Source code for cleanlab.datalab.internal.issue_manager.noniid

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, ClassVar, Dict, Optional, Union, cast
import itertools

from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

from cleanlab.datalab.internal.issue_manager import IssueManager
from cleanlab.datalab.internal.issue_manager.knn_graph_helpers import knn_exists, set_knn_graph

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    import numpy.typing as npt
    from cleanlab.datalab.datalab import Datalab

[docs]def simplified_kolmogorov_smirnov_test( neighbor_histogram: npt.NDArray[np.float64], non_neighbor_histogram: npt.NDArray[np.float64], ) -> float: """Computes the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic between two groups of data. The statistic is the largest difference between the empirical cumulative distribution functions (ECDFs) of the two groups. Parameters ---------- neighbor_histogram : Histogram data for the nearest neighbor group. non_neighbor_histogram : Histogram data for the non-neighbor group. Returns ------- statistic : The KS statistic between the two ECDFs. Note ---- - Both input arrays should have the same length. - The input arrays are histograms, which means they contain the count or frequency of values in each group. The data in the histograms should be normalized so that they sum to one. To calculate the KS statistic, the function first calculates the ECDFs for both input arrays, which are step functions that show the cumulative sum of the data up to each point. The function then calculates the largest absolute difference between the two ECDFs. """ neighbor_cdf = np.cumsum(neighbor_histogram) non_neighbor_cdf = np.cumsum(non_neighbor_histogram) statistic = np.max(np.abs(neighbor_cdf - non_neighbor_cdf)) return statistic
[docs]class NonIIDIssueManager(IssueManager): """Manages issues related to non-iid data distributions. Parameters ---------- datalab : The Datalab instance that this issue manager searches for issues in. metric : The distance metric used to compute the KNN graph of the examples in the dataset. If set to `None`, the metric will be automatically selected based on the dimensionality of the features used to represent the examples in the dataset. k : The number of nearest neighbors to consider when computing the KNN graph of the examples. num_permutations : The number of trials to run when performing permutation testing to determine whether the distribution of index-distances between neighbors in the dataset is IID or not. Note ---- This class will only flag a single example as an issue if the dataset is considered non-IID. This type of issue is more relevant to the entire dataset as a whole, rather than to individual examples. """ description: ClassVar[ str ] = """Whether the dataset exhibits statistically significant violations of the IID assumption like: changepoints or shift, drift, autocorrelation, etc. The specific violation considered is whether the examples are ordered such that almost adjacent examples tend to have more similar feature values. """ issue_name: ClassVar[str] = "non_iid" verbosity_levels = { 0: ["p-value"], 1: [], 2: [], } def __init__( self, datalab: Datalab, metric: Optional[Union[str, Callable]] = None, k: int = 10, num_permutations: int = 25, seed: Optional[int] = 0, significance_threshold: float = 0.05, **_, ): super().__init__(datalab) self.metric = metric self.k = k self.num_permutations = num_permutations self.tests = { "ks": simplified_kolmogorov_smirnov_test, } self.background_distribution = None self.seed = seed self.significance_threshold = significance_threshold # TODO: Temporary flag introduced to decide on storing knn graphs based on pred_probs. # Revisit and finalize the implementation. self._skip_storing_knn_graph_for_pred_probs: bool = False @staticmethod def _determine_optional_features( features: Optional[npt.NDArray], pred_probs: Optional[np.ndarray], ) -> Optional[npt.NDArray]: """ Determines the feature array to be used for constructing a knn-graph. Prioritizing the original features array over pred_probs. If neither are provided, returns None. Parameters ---------- features : Original feature array or None. pred_probs : Predicted probabilities array or None. Returns ------- features_to_use : Either the original feature array or the predicted probabilities array, intended for constructing the knn-graph. Notes ----- A knn-graph constructed from predicted probabilities should not be stored in the statistics. But this kind of knn-graph is allowed for the purpose of running a non-IID check. """ if features is not None: return features if pred_probs is not None: return pred_probs return None
[docs] def find_issues( self, features: Optional[npt.NDArray] = None, pred_probs: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: statistics = self.datalab.get_info("statistics") # Crucial when building knn graphs with pred_probs instead of features, where only the # latter is preferred for storage. self._determine_if_knn_graph_storage_should_be_skipped( features, pred_probs, kwargs, statistics, self.k ) knn_graph, self.metric, _ = set_knn_graph( features=self._determine_optional_features(features, pred_probs), find_issues_kwargs=kwargs, metric=self.metric, k=self.k, statistics=statistics, ) self.neighbor_index_choices = self._get_neighbors(knn_graph=knn_graph) self.num_neighbors = self.k indices = np.arange(self.N) self.neighbor_index_distances = np.abs(indices.reshape(-1, 1) - self.neighbor_index_choices) self.statistics = self._get_statistics(self.neighbor_index_distances) self.p_value = self._permutation_test(num_permutations=self.num_permutations) scores = self._score_dataset() issue_mask = np.zeros(self.N, dtype=bool) if self.p_value < self.significance_threshold: issue_mask[scores.argmin()] = True self.issues = pd.DataFrame( { f"is_{self.issue_name}_issue": issue_mask, self.issue_score_key: scores, }, ) self.summary = self.make_summary(score=self.p_value) = self.collect_info(knn_graph=knn_graph)
def _determine_if_knn_graph_storage_should_be_skipped( self, features, pred_probs, kwargs, statistics, k ) -> None: """Decide whether to skip storing the knn graph based on the availability of pred_probs. Should only happend when a new knn graph needs to be computed, and that it can only be computed from pred_probs. """ sufficient_knn_graph_available = knn_exists(kwargs, statistics, k) pred_probs_needed = ( not sufficient_knn_graph_available and features is None and pred_probs is not None ) if pred_probs_needed: self._skip_storing_knn_graph_for_pred_probs = True
[docs] def collect_info(self, knn_graph: csr_matrix) -> dict: issues_dict = { "p-value": self.p_value, } params_dict = { "metric": self.metric, "k": self.k, } statistics_dict = self._build_statistics_dictionary(knn_graph=knn_graph) info_dict = { **issues_dict, **params_dict, # type: ignore[arg-type] **statistics_dict, # type: ignore[arg-type] } return info_dict
def _build_statistics_dictionary(self, knn_graph: csr_matrix) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: statistics_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {"statistics": {}} if self._skip_storing_knn_graph_for_pred_probs: return statistics_dict # Add the knn graph as a statistic if necessary graph_key = "weighted_knn_graph" old_knn_graph = self.datalab.get_info("statistics").get(graph_key, None) old_graph_exists = old_knn_graph is not None prefer_new_graph = ( (knn_graph is not None and not old_graph_exists) or knn_graph.nnz > old_knn_graph.nnz or self.metric != self.datalab.get_info("statistics").get("knn_metric", None) ) if prefer_new_graph: statistics_dict["statistics"][graph_key] = knn_graph if self.metric is not None: statistics_dict["statistics"]["knn_metric"] = self.metric return statistics_dict def _permutation_test(self, num_permutations) -> float: N = self.N if self.seed is not None: np.random.seed(self.seed) perms = np.fromiter( itertools.chain.from_iterable( np.random.permutation(N) for i in range(num_permutations) ), dtype=int, ).reshape(num_permutations, N) neighbor_index_choices = self.neighbor_index_choices neighbor_index_choices = neighbor_index_choices.reshape(1, *neighbor_index_choices.shape) perm_neighbor_choices = perms[:, neighbor_index_choices].reshape( num_permutations, *neighbor_index_choices.shape[1:] ) neighbor_index_distances = np.abs(perms[..., None] - perm_neighbor_choices).reshape( num_permutations, -1 ) statistics = [] for neighbor_index_dist in neighbor_index_distances: stats = self._get_statistics( neighbor_index_dist, ) statistics.append(stats) ks_stats = np.array([stats["ks"] for stats in statistics]) ks_stats_kde = gaussian_kde(ks_stats) p_value = ks_stats_kde.integrate_box(self.statistics["ks"], 100) return p_value def _score_dataset(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """This function computes a variant of the KS statistic for each datapoint. Rather than computing the maximum difference between the CDF of the neighbor distances (foreground distribution) and the CDF of the all index distances (background distribution), we compute the absolute difference in area-under-the-curve of the two CDFs. The foreground distribution is computed by sampling the neighbor distances from the KNN graph, but the background distribution is computed analytically. The background CDF for a datapoint i can be split up into three parts. Let d = min(i, N - i - 1). 1. For 0 < j <= d, the slope of the CDF is 2 / (N - 1) since there are two datapoints in the dataset that are distance j from datapoint i. We call this threshold the 'double distance threshold' 2. For d < j <= N - d - 1, the slope of the CDF is 1 / (N - 1) since there is only one datapoint in the dataset that is distance j from datapoint i. 3. For j > N - d - 1, the slope of the CDF is 0 and is constant at 1.0 since there are no datapoints in the dataset that are distance j from datapoint i. We compute the area differences on each of the k intervals for which the foreground CDF is constant which allows for the possibility that the background CDF may intersect the foreground CDF on this interval. We do not account for these cases when computing absolute AUC difference. Our algorithm is simple, sort the k sampled neighbor distances. Then, for each of the k neighbor distances sampled, compute the AUC for each CDF up to that point. Then, subtract from each area the previous area in the sorted order to get the AUC of the CDF on the interval between those two points. Subtract the background interval AUCs from the foreground interval AUCs, take the absolute value, and sum. The algorithm is vectorized such that this statistic is computed for each of the N datapoints simultaneously. The statistics are then normalized by their respective maximum possible distance (N - d - 1) and then mapped to [0,1] via tanh. """ N = self.N sorted_neighbors = np.sort(self.neighbor_index_distances, axis=1) # find the maximum distance that occurs with double probability middle_idx = np.floor((N - 1) / 2).astype(int) double_distances = np.arange(N).reshape(N, 1) double_distances[double_distances > middle_idx] -= N - 1 double_distances = np.abs(double_distances) sorted_neighbors = np.hstack([sorted_neighbors, np.ones((N, 1)) * (N - 1)]).astype(int) # the set of distances that are less than the double distance threshold set_beginning = sorted_neighbors <= double_distances # the set of distances that are greater than the double distance threshold but have nonzero probability set_middle = (sorted_neighbors > double_distances) & ( sorted_neighbors <= (N - double_distances - 1) ) # the set of distances that occur with 0 probability set_end = sorted_neighbors > (N - double_distances - 1) shifted_neighbors = np.zeros(sorted_neighbors.shape) shifted_neighbors[:, 1:] = sorted_neighbors[:, :-1] diffs = sorted_neighbors - shifted_neighbors # the distances between the sorted indices area_beginning = (double_distances**2) / (N - 1) length = N - 2 * double_distances - 1 a = 2 * double_distances / (N - 1) area_middle = 0.5 * (a + 1) * length # compute the area under the CDF for each of the indices in sorted_neighbors background_area = np.zeros(diffs.shape) background_diffs = np.zeros(diffs.shape) background_area[set_beginning] = ((sorted_neighbors**2) / (N - 1))[set_beginning] background_area[set_middle] = ( area_beginning + 0.5 * ( (sorted_neighbors + 3 * double_distances) * (sorted_neighbors - double_distances) / (N - 1) ) )[set_middle] background_area[set_end] = ( area_beginning + area_middle + (sorted_neighbors - (N - double_distances - 1) * 1.0) )[set_end] # compute the area under the CDF between indices in sorted_neighbors shifted_background = np.zeros(background_area.shape) shifted_background[:, 1:] = background_area[:, :-1] background_diffs = background_area - shifted_background # compute the foreground CDF and AUC between indices in sorted_neighbors foreground_cdf = np.arange(sorted_neighbors.shape[1]) / (sorted_neighbors.shape[1] - 1) foreground_diffs = foreground_cdf.reshape(1, -1) * diffs # compute the differences between foreground and background area intervals area_diffs = np.abs(foreground_diffs - background_diffs) stats = np.sum(area_diffs, axis=1) # normalize scores by the index and transform to [0, 1] indices = np.arange(N) reverse = N - indices normalizer = np.where(indices > reverse, indices, reverse) scores = stats / normalizer scores = np.tanh(-1 * scores) + 1 return scores def _get_neighbors(self, knn_graph: csr_matrix) -> np.ndarray: """ Given a knn graph, returns an (N, k) array in which j is in A[i] if item i and j are nearest neighbors. """ self.N = knn_graph.shape[0] kneighbors = knn_graph.indices.reshape(self.N, -1) return kneighbors def _get_statistics( self, neighbor_index_distances, ) -> dict[str, float]: neighbor_index_distances = neighbor_index_distances.flatten() sorted_neighbors = np.sort(neighbor_index_distances) sorted_neighbors = np.hstack([sorted_neighbors, np.ones((1)) * (self.N - 1)]).astype(int) if self.background_distribution is None: self.background_distribution = (self.N - np.arange(1, self.N)) / ( self.N * (self.N - 1) / 2 ) background_distribution = cast(np.ndarray, self.background_distribution) background_cdf = np.cumsum(background_distribution) foreground_cdf = np.arange(sorted_neighbors.shape[0]) / (sorted_neighbors.shape[0] - 1) statistic = np.max(np.abs(foreground_cdf - background_cdf[sorted_neighbors - 1])) statistics = {"ks": statistic} return statistics