The Workflows of Data-centric AI for Classification with Noisy Labels#

In this tutorial, you will learn how to easily incorporate cleanlab into your ML development workflows to:

  • Automatically find issues such as label errors, outliers and near duplicates lurking in your classification data.

  • Score the label quality of every example in your dataset.

  • Train robust models in the presence of label issues.

  • Identify overlapping classes that you can merge to make the learning task less ambiguous.

  • Generate an overall label health score to track improvements in your labels as you clean your datasets over time.

This tutorial provides an in-depth survey of many possible different ways that cleanlab can be utilized for Data-Centric AI. If you have a different use-case in mind that is not supported, please tell us about it! While this tutorial focuses on standard multi-class (and binary) classification datasets, cleanlab also supports other tasks including: data labeled by multiple annotators, multi-label classification, and token classification of text.

cleanlab is grounded in theory and science. Learn more:

Research Publications | Label Errors found by cleanlab | Examples using cleanlab

Install dependencies and import them#

You can use pip to install all packages required for this tutorial as follows:

!pip install matplotlib
!pip install cleanlab[datalab]
# Make sure to install the version corresponding to this tutorial
# E.g. if viewing master branch documentation:
#     !pip install git+
import numpy as np
import cleanlab
from cleanlab import Datalab
from cleanlab.classification import CleanLearning
from cleanlab.benchmarking import noise_generation
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict
from numpy.random import multivariate_normal
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

Create the data (can skip these details)#

See the code for data generation (click to expand)

# Note: This pulldown content is for, if running on local Jupyter or Colab, please ignore it.

SEED = 0

def make_data(
    means=[[3, 2], [7, 7], [0, 8], [0, 10]],
        [[5, -1.5], [-1.5, 1]],
        [[1, 0.5], [0.5, 4]],
        [[5, 1], [1, 5]],
        [[3, 1], [1, 1]],
    sizes=[100, 50, 50, 50],
    seed=SEED,  # set to None for non-reproducible randomness

    K = len(means)  # number of classes
    data = []
    labels = []
    test_data = []
    test_labels = []

    for idx in range(K):
                mean=means[idx], cov=covs[idx], size=sizes[idx]
                mean=means[idx], cov=covs[idx], size=sizes[idx]
        labels.append(np.array([idx for i in range(sizes[idx])]))
        test_labels.append(np.array([idx for i in range(sizes[idx])]))
    X_train = np.vstack(data)
    y_train = np.hstack(labels)
    X_test = np.vstack(test_data)
    y_test = np.hstack(test_labels)

    # Compute p(y=k) the prior distribution over true labels.
    py_true = np.bincount(y_train) / float(len(y_train))

    noise_matrix_true = noise_generation.generate_noise_matrix_from_trace(
        trace=avg_trace * K,

    # Generate our noisy labels using the noise_marix.
    s = noise_generation.generate_noisy_labels(y_train, noise_matrix_true)
    s_test = noise_generation.generate_noisy_labels(y_test, noise_matrix_true)
    ps = np.bincount(s) / float(len(s))  # Prior distribution over noisy labels

    return {
        "data": X_train,
        "true_labels": y_train,  # You never get to see these perfect labels.
        "labels": s,  # Instead, you have these labels, which have some errors.
        "test_data": X_test,
        "test_labels": y_test,  # Perfect labels used for "true" measure of model's performance during deployment.
        "noisy_test_labels": s_test,  # With IID train/test split, you'd have these labels, which also have some errors.
        "ps": ps,
        "py_true": py_true,
        "noise_matrix_true": noise_matrix_true,
        "class_names": ["purple", "blue", "seafoam green", "yellow"],

data_dict = make_data()
for key, val in data_dict.items():  # Map data_dict to variables in namespace
    exec(key + "=val")

# Display dataset visually using matplotlib
def plot_data(data, circles, title, alpha=1.0):
    plt.figure(figsize=(14, 5))
    plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], c=labels, s=60)
    for i in circles:
    _ = plt.title(title, fontsize=25)
true_errors = np.where(true_labels != labels)[0]
plot_data(data, circles=true_errors, title="A realistic, messy dataset with 4 classes", alpha=0.3)

The figure above represents a toy dataset we’ll use to demonstrate various cleanlab functionality. In this data, the features X are 2-dimensional and examples are colored according to their given label above.

Like many real-world datasets, the given label happens to be incorrect for some of the examples (circled in red) in this dataset!

Workflow 1: Use Datalab to detect many types of issues#

Datalab offers an easy interface to detect all sorts of common real-world issue in your dataset. Internally it uses many data quality algorithms, and these methods can also be directly invoked — as demonstrated in some of the subsequent workflows here.

# Datalab offers several ways of loading the data
# we’ll simply wrap the training features and noisy labels in a dictionary.
data_dict = {"X": data, "y": labels}

# get out of sample predicted probabilities via cross-validation.
yourFavoriteModel = LogisticRegression(verbose=0, random_state=SEED)
pred_probs = cross_val_predict(
    estimator=yourFavoriteModel, X=data, y=labels, cv=3, method="predict_proba"

All that is need to audit your data is initalize a Datalab object with your dataset and call find_issues().

Pass in the predicted probabilities and feature embeddings for your data and Datalab will do all the work! You do not necessarily need to provide all of this information depending on which types of issues you are interested in, but the more inputs you provide, the more types of issues Datalab can detect in your data. Using a better model to produce these inputs will ensure cleanlab more accurately estimates issues. Make sure that the columns of your pred_probs are properly ordered with respect to the ordering of classes, which for Datalab is: lexicographically sorted by class name.

lab = Datalab(data_dict, label_name="y")
lab.find_issues(pred_probs=pred_probs, features=data)
Finding null issues ...
Finding label issues ...
Finding outlier issues ...
Finding near_duplicate issues ...
Finding non_iid issues ...
Finding class_imbalance issues ...
Finding underperforming_group issues ...

Audit complete. 78 issues found in the dataset.

After the audit is complete, review the findings using the report method:

Dataset Information: num_examples: 250, num_classes: 4

Here is a summary of various issues found in your data:

    issue_type  num_issues
         label          64
       outlier           7
near_duplicate           6
       non_iid           1

Learn about each issue:
See which examples in your dataset exhibit each issue via: `datalab.get_issues(<ISSUE_NAME>)`

Data indices corresponding to top examples of each issue are shown below.

----------------------- label issues -----------------------

About this issue:
        Examples whose given label is estimated to be potentially incorrect
    (e.g. due to annotation error) are flagged as having label issues.

Number of examples with this issue: 64
Overall dataset quality in terms of this issue: 0.7560

Examples representing most severe instances of this issue:
     is_label_issue   label_score  given_label  predicted_label
99             True  5.637318e-08            1                0
8              True  3.896262e-07            1                0
64             True  3.548391e-05            1                0
107            True  7.923417e-05            3                1
10             True  9.375075e-05            2                1

---------------------- outlier issues ----------------------

About this issue:
        Examples that are very different from the rest of the dataset
    (i.e. potentially out-of-distribution or rare/anomalous instances).

Number of examples with this issue: 7
Overall dataset quality in terms of this issue: 0.3454

Examples representing most severe instances of this issue:
     is_outlier_issue  outlier_score
147              True       0.014051
10               True       0.020451
249              True       0.042594
132              True       0.043859
189              True       0.045954

------------------ near_duplicate issues -------------------

About this issue:
        A (near) duplicate issue refers to two or more examples in
    a dataset that are extremely similar to each other, relative
    to the rest of the dataset.  The examples flagged with this issue
    may be exactly duplicated, or lie atypically close together when
    represented as vectors (i.e. feature embeddings).

Number of examples with this issue: 6
Overall dataset quality in terms of this issue: 0.6120

Examples representing most severe instances of this issue:
     is_near_duplicate_issue  near_duplicate_score near_duplicate_sets  distance_to_nearest_neighbor
3                       True              0.023714                [58]                      0.007136
58                      True              0.023714                 [3]                      0.007136
119                     True              0.107266               [103]                      0.033738
103                     True              0.107266               [119]                      0.033738
238                     True              0.119505               [236]                      0.037843

---------------------- non_iid issues ----------------------

About this issue:
        Whether the dataset exhibits statistically significant
    violations of the IID assumption like:
    changepoints or shift, drift, autocorrelation, etc.
    The specific violation considered is whether the
    examples are ordered such that almost adjacent examples
    tend to have more similar feature values.

Number of examples with this issue: 1
Overall dataset quality in terms of this issue: 0.0000

Examples representing most severe instances of this issue:
     is_non_iid_issue  non_iid_score
222              True       0.614915
122             False       0.624422
126             False       0.625965
119             False       0.626079
118             False       0.627675

Additional Information:
p-value: 0.0

Workflow 2: Use CleanLearning for more robust Machine Learning#

yourFavoriteModel = LogisticRegression(verbose=0, random_state=SEED)

# CleanLearning: Machine Learning with cleaned data (given messy, real-world data)
cl = cleanlab.classification.CleanLearning(yourFavoriteModel, seed=SEED)

# Fit model to messy, real-world data, automatically training on cleaned data.
_ =, labels)

# See the label quality for every example, which data has issues, and more.
is_label_issue label_quality given_label predicted_label sample_weight
0 False 0.695223 0 0 1.323529
1 False 0.523015 0 0 1.323529
2 True 0.013720 3 0 0.000000
3 False 0.675727 0 0 1.323529
4 False 0.646521 0 0 1.323529

Clean Learning = Machine Learning with cleaned data#

# For comparison, this is how you would have trained your model normally (without Cleanlab)
yourFavoriteModel = LogisticRegression(verbose=0, random_state=SEED), labels)
print(f"Accuracy using yourFavoriteModel: {yourFavoriteModel.score(test_data, test_labels):.0%}")

# But CleanLearning can do anything yourFavoriteModel can do, but enhanced.
# For example, CleanLearning gives you predictions (just like yourFavoriteModel)
# but the magic is that CleanLearning was trained as if your data did not have label errors.
print(f"Accuracy using yourFavoriteModel (+ CleanLearning): {cl.score(test_data, test_labels):.0%}")
Accuracy using yourFavoriteModel: 83%
Accuracy using yourFavoriteModel (+ CleanLearning): 86%

Note! Accuracy refers to the accuracy with respect to the true error-free labels of a test set., i.e. what we actually care about in practice because that’s what real-world model performance is based on. If you don’t have a clean test set, you can use cleanlab to make one :)

Workflow 3: Use CleanLearning to find_label_issues in one line of code#

# One line of code. Literally.
issues = CleanLearning(yourFavoriteModel, seed=SEED).find_label_issues(data, labels)

is_label_issue label_quality given_label predicted_label
0 False 0.695223 0 0
1 False 0.523015 0 0
2 True 0.013720 3 0
3 False 0.675727 0 0
4 False 0.646521 0 0

Visualize the twenty examples with lowest label quality to see if Cleanlab works.#

lowest_quality_labels = issues["label_quality"].argsort()[:20]
plot_data(data, circles=lowest_quality_labels, title="The 20 lowest label quality examples")

Above, the top 20 label issues circled in red are found automatically using cleanlab (no true labels given).

If you’ve already computed the label issues using CleanLearning, you can pass them into fit() and it will train much faster (skips label-issue identification step).

# CleanLearning can train faster if issues are provided at fitting time., labels, label_issues=issues)
              find_label_issues_kwargs={'confident_joint': array([[68,  0,  8,  8],
       [ 5, 46,  3,  0],
       [15,  3, 31, 14],
       [ 2,  1, 12, 34]]),
                                        'min_examples_per_class': 10},
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Workflow 4: Use cleanlab to find dataset-level and class-level issues#

  • Did you notice that the yellow and seafoam green class above are overlapping?

  • How can a model ever know (or learn) what’s ground truth inside the yellow distribution?

  • If these two classes were merged, the model can learn more accurately from 3 classes (versus 4).

cleanlab automatically finds data-set level issues like this, in one line of code. Check this out!

    confident_joint=cl.confident_joint,  # cleanlab uses the confident_joint internally to quantify label noise (see cleanlab.count.compute_confident_joint)
Class Name A Class Name B Class Index A Class Index B Num Overlapping Examples Joint Probability
0 seafoam green yellow 2 3 26 0.104
1 purple seafoam green 0 2 23 0.092
2 purple yellow 0 3 10 0.040
3 blue seafoam green 1 2 6 0.024
4 purple blue 0 1 5 0.020
5 blue yellow 1 3 1 0.004

Do the results surprise you? Did you expect the purple and seafoam green to also have so much overlap?

There are two things being happening here:

  1. Distribution Overlap: The green distribution has huge variance and overlaps with other distributions.

  2. Label Issues: A ton of examples (which actually belong to the purple class) have been mislabeled as “green” in our dataset.

Now, let’s see what happens if we merge classes “seafoam green” and “yellow”#

  • The top two classes found automatically by cleanlab.dataset.find_overlapping_classes()

yourFavoriteModel1 = LogisticRegression(verbose=0, random_state=SEED), labels)
print(f"[Original classes] Accuracy of yourFavoriteModel: {yourFavoriteModel1.score(test_data, test_labels):.0%}")

merged_labels, merged_test_labels = np.array(labels), np.array(test_labels)

# Merge classes: map all yellow-labeled examples to seafoam green
merged_labels[merged_labels == 3] = 2
merged_test_labels[merged_test_labels == 3] = 2

# Re-run our comparison. Re-run your model on the newly labeled dataset.
yourFavoriteModel2 = LogisticRegression(verbose=0, random_state=SEED), merged_labels)
print(f"[Modified classes] Accuracy of yourFavoriteModel: {yourFavoriteModel2.score(test_data, merged_test_labels):.0%}")

# Re-run CleanLearning as well.
yourFavoriteModel3 = LogisticRegression(verbose=0, random_state=SEED)
cl3 = cleanlab.classification.CleanLearning(yourFavoriteModel3, seed=SEED), merged_labels)
print(f"[Modified classes] Accuracy of yourFavoriteModel (+ CleanLearning): {cl3.score(test_data, merged_test_labels):.0%}")
[Original classes] Accuracy of yourFavoriteModel: 83%
[Modified classes] Accuracy of yourFavoriteModel: 94%
[Modified classes] Accuracy of yourFavoriteModel (+ CleanLearning): 96%

While on one hand that’s a huge improvement, it’s important to remember that choosing among three classes is an easier task than choosing among four classes, so it’s not fair to directly compare these numbers.

Instead, the big takeaway is… if you get to choose your classes, combining overlapping classes can make the learning task easier for your model. But if you have lots of classes, how do you know which ones to merge?? That’s when you use cleanlab.dataset.find_overlapping_classes.

Workflow 5: Clean your test set too if you’re doing ML with noisy labels!#

If your test and training data were randomly split (IID), then be aware that your test labels are likely noisy too! It is thus important to fix label issues in them before we can trust measures like test accuracy.

  • More about what can go wrong if you don’t use a clean test set in this paper.

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

# Fit your model on noisily labeled train data
yourFavoriteModel = LogisticRegression(verbose=0, random_state=SEED), labels)

# Get predicted probabilities for test data (these are out-of-sample)
my_test_pred_probs = yourFavoriteModel.predict_proba(test_data)
my_test_preds = my_test_pred_probs.argmax(axis=1)  # predicted labels

# Find label issues in the test data
issues_test = CleanLearning(yourFavoriteModel, seed=SEED).find_label_issues(
    labels=noisy_test_labels, pred_probs=my_test_pred_probs)

# You should inspect issues_test and fix issues to ensure high-quality test data labels.
corrected_test_labels = test_labels  # Here we'll pretend you have done this perfectly :)

# Fit more robust version of model on noisily labeled training data
cl = CleanLearning(yourFavoriteModel, seed=SEED).fit(data, labels)
cl_test_preds = cl.predict(test_data)

print(f" Noisy Test Accuracy (on given test labels) using yourFavoriteModel: {accuracy_score(noisy_test_labels, my_test_preds):.0%}")
print(f" Noisy Test Accuracy (on given test labels) using yourFavoriteModel (+ CleanLearning): {accuracy_score(noisy_test_labels, cl_test_preds):.0%}")
print(f"Actual Test Accuracy (on corrected test labels) using yourFavoriteModel: {accuracy_score(corrected_test_labels, my_test_preds):.0%}")
print(f"Actual Test Accuracy (on corrected test labels) using yourFavoriteModel (+ CleanLearning): {accuracy_score(corrected_test_labels, cl_test_preds):.0%}")
 Noisy Test Accuracy (on given test labels) using yourFavoriteModel: 69%
 Noisy Test Accuracy (on given test labels) using yourFavoriteModel (+ CleanLearning): 71%
Actual Test Accuracy (on corrected test labels) using yourFavoriteModel: 83%
Actual Test Accuracy (on corrected test labels) using yourFavoriteModel (+ CleanLearning): 86%

Workflow 6: One score to rule them all – use cleanlab’s overall dataset health score#

This score can be fairly compared across datasets or across versions of a dataset to track overall dataset quality (a.k.a. dataset health) over time.

# One line of code.
health = cleanlab.dataset.overall_label_health_score(
    labels, confident_joint=cl.confident_joint
    # cleanlab uses the confident_joint internally to quantify label noise (see cleanlab.count.compute_confident_joint)
 * Overall, about 28% (71 of the 250) labels in your dataset have potential issues.
 ** The overall label health score for this dataset is: 0.72.

How accurate is this dataset health score?#

Because we know the true labels (we created this toy dataset), we can compare with ground truth.

label_acc = sum(labels != true_labels) / len(labels)
print(f"Percentage of label issues guessed by cleanlab {1 - health:.0%}")
print(f"Percentage of (ground truth) label errors): {label_acc:.0%}")

offset = (1 - label_acc) - health

    f"\nQuestion: cleanlab seems to be overestimating."
    f" How do we account for this {offset:.0%} difference?"
    "Answer: Data points that fall in between two overlapping distributions are often "
    "impossible to label and are counted as issues."
Percentage of label issues guessed by cleanlab 28%
Percentage of (ground truth) label errors): 20%

Question: cleanlab seems to be overestimating. How do we account for this 8% difference?
Answer: Data points that fall in between two overlapping distributions are often impossible to label and are counted as issues.

Workflow(s) 7: Use count, rank, filter modules directly#

  • Using these modules directly is intended for more experienced cleanlab users. But once you understand how they work, you can create numerous powerful workflows.

  • For these workflows, you always need two things:

    1. Out-of-sample predicted probabilities (e.g. computed via cross-validation)

    2. Labels (can contain label errors and various issues)

pred_probs = cleanlab.count.estimate_cv_predicted_probabilities(
    data, labels, clf=yourFavoriteModel, seed=SEED
print(f"pred_probs is a {pred_probs.shape} matrix of predicted probabilities")
pred_probs is a (250, 4) matrix of predicted probabilities

Workflow 7.1 (count): Fully characterize label noise (noise matrix, joint, prior of true labels, …)#

Now that we have pred_probs and labels, advanced users can compute everything in cleanlab.count.

  • py: prob(true_label=k)

    • For all classes K, this is the distribution over the actual true labels (which cleanlab can estimate for you even though you don’t have the true labels).

  • noise_matrix: p(noisy|true)

    • This describes how errors were introduced into your labels. It’s a conditional probability matrix with the probability of flipping from the true class to every other class for the given label.

  • inverse_noise_matrix: p(true|noisy)

    • This tells you the probability, for every class, that the true label is actually a different class.

  • confident_joint

    • This is an unnormalized (count-based) estimate of the number of examples in our dataset with each possible (true label, given label) pairing.

  • joint: p(true label, noisy label)

    • The joint distribution of noisy (given) and true labels is the most useful of all these statistics. From it, you can compute every other statistic listed above. One entry from this matrix can be interpreted as: “The proportion of examples in our dataset whose true label is i and given label is j”.

These five tools fully characterize class-conditional label noise in a dataset.

Use cleanlab to estimate and visualize the joint distribution of label noise and noise matrix of label flipping rates:#

    py, noise_matrix, inverse_noise_matrix, confident_joint
) = cleanlab.count.estimate_py_and_noise_matrices_from_probabilities(labels, pred_probs)

# Note: you can also combine the above two lines of code into a single line of code like this
    py, noise_matrix, inverse_noise_matrix, confident_joint, pred_probs
) = cleanlab.count.estimate_py_noise_matrices_and_cv_pred_proba(
    data, labels, clf=yourFavoriteModel, seed=SEED

# Get the joint distribution of noisy and true labels from the confident joint
# This is the most powerful statistic in machine learning with noisy labels.
joint = cleanlab.count.estimate_joint(
    labels, pred_probs, confident_joint=confident_joint

# Pretty print the joint distribution and noise matrix

 Joint Label Noise Distribution Matrix P(given_label, true_label) of shape (4, 4)
 p(s,y) y=0     y=1     y=2     y=3
        ---     ---     ---     ---
s=0 |   0.27    0.0     0.03    0.03
s=1 |   0.02    0.18    0.01    0.0
s=2 |   0.06    0.01    0.12    0.06
s=3 |   0.01    0.0     0.05    0.14
        Trace(matrix) = 0.72

 Noise Matrix (aka Noisy Channel) P(given_label|true_label) of shape (4, 4)
 p(s|y) y=0     y=1     y=2     y=3
        ---     ---     ---     ---
s=0 |   0.76    0.0     0.15    0.14
s=1 |   0.06    0.92    0.06    0.0
s=2 |   0.17    0.06    0.57    0.25
s=3 |   0.02    0.02    0.22    0.61
        Trace(matrix) = 2.86

In some applications, you may have a priori knowledge regarding some of these quantities. In this case, you can pass them directly into cleanlab which may be able to leverage this information to better identify label issues.

cl3 = cleanlab.classification.CleanLearning(yourFavoriteModel, seed=SEED)
_ =, labels, noise_matrix=noise_matrix_true)  # CleanLearning with a prioiri known noise_matrix

Workflow 7.2 (filter): Find label issues for any dataset and any model in one line of code#

Features of cleanlab.filter.find_label_issues:

  • Versatility – Choose from several state-of-the-art label-issue detection algorithms using filter_by=.

  • Works with any model by using predicted probabilities (no model needed).

  • One line of code :)

Remember CleanLearning.find_label_issues? It uses this method internally.

# Get out of sample predicted probabilities via cross-validation.
# Here we demonstrate the use of sklearn cross_val_predict as another option to get cross-validated predicted probabilities
pred_probs = cross_val_predict(
    estimator=yourFavoriteModel, X=data, y=labels, cv=3, method="predict_proba"

# Find label issues
label_issues_indices = cleanlab.filter.find_label_issues(
    filter_by="both", # 5 available filter_by options
    return_indices_ranked_by="self_confidence",  # 3 available label quality scoring options for rank ordering
        "adjust_pred_probs": True  # adjust predicted probabilities (see docstring for more details)

# Return dataset indices of examples with label issues
array([ 99,   8,  64,  45,  83, 213, 212, 218, 152, 197, 196, 170, 167,
       214, 164, 198,  21, 191, 107,  16,  51,  63,   2, 175,  10, 121,
       117,  24,  95,  82,  76,  26,  90,  25,  62,  22,  92,  49,  97,
       206,  68, 115,   7,  48,  43, 193, 184, 249, 194, 186, 201, 174,
       188, 163, 150, 190, 169, 151, 168,  54])

Again, we can visualize the twenty examples with lowest label quality to see if Cleanlab works.#

plot_data(data, circles=label_issues_indices[:20], title="Top 20 label issues found by cleanlab.filter.find_label_issues()")

Workflow 7.2 supports lots of methods to find_label_issues() via the filter_by parameter.#

  • Here, we evaluate precision/recall/f1/accuracy of detecting true label issues for each method.

from sklearn.metrics import precision_score, recall_score, f1_score
import pandas as pd

yourFavoriteModel = LogisticRegression(verbose=0, random_state=SEED)

# Get cross-validated predicted probabilities
# Here we demonstrate the use of sklearn cross_val_predict as another option to get cross-validated predicted probabilities
pred_probs = cross_val_predict(
    estimator=yourFavoriteModel, X=data, y=labels, cv=3, method="predict_proba"

# Ground truth label issues to use for evaluating different filter_by options
true_label_issues = (true_labels != labels)

# Find label issues with different filter_by options
filter_by_list = [

results = []

for filter_by in filter_by_list:

    # Find label issues
    label_issues = cleanlab.filter.find_label_issues(

    precision = precision_score(true_label_issues, label_issues)
    recall = recall_score(true_label_issues, label_issues)
    f1 = f1_score(true_label_issues, label_issues)
    acc = accuracy_score(true_label_issues, label_issues)

    result = {
        "filter_by algorithm": filter_by,
        "precision": precision,
        "recall": recall,
        "f1": f1,
        "accuracy": acc


# summary of results
pd.DataFrame(results).sort_values(by='f1', ascending=False)
filter_by algorithm precision recall f1 accuracy
0 prune_by_noise_rate 0.718750 0.92 0.807018 0.912
2 both 0.733333 0.88 0.800000 0.912
3 confident_learning 0.721311 0.88 0.792793 0.908
1 prune_by_class 0.676923 0.88 0.765217 0.892
4 predicted_neq_given 0.567901 0.92 0.702290 0.844

Workflow 7.3 (rank): Automatically rank every example by a unique label quality score. Find errors using cleanlab.count.num_label_issues as a threshold.#

cleanlab can analyze every label in a dataset and provide a numerical score gauging its overall quality. Low-quality labels indicate examples that should be more closely inspected, perhaps because their given label is incorrect, or simply because they represent an ambiguous edge-case that’s worth a second look.

# Estimate the number of label issues
label_issues_count = cleanlab.count.num_label_issues(

# Get label quality scores
label_quality_scores = cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores(

# Rank-order by label quality scores and get the top estimated number of label issues
label_issues_indices = np.argsort(label_quality_scores)[:label_issues_count]

array([ 99,   8,  64, 107,  10,  16,  51,  63, 121, 213, 212, 218, 117,
         2, 152, 197, 196, 170,  45,  24, 167,  83,  95,  82,  76,  26,
        90, 214, 164,  25,  62,  22, 198,  92,  21, 191,  49,  97,  68,
       115,   7,  48,  43, 193, 184, 194, 186, 174, 188, 163, 155, 150,
       190, 169, 156, 151, 168,  54, 172, 176, 157])

Again, we can visualize the label issues found to see if Cleanlab works.#

plot_data(data, circles=label_issues_indices[:20], title="Top 20 label issues using cleanlab.rank with cleanlab.count.num_label_issues()")

Not sure when to use Workflow 7.2 or 7.3 to find label issues?#

  • Workflow 7.2 is the easiest to use as its just one line of code.

  • Workflow 7.3 is modular and extensible. As we add more label and data quality scoring functions in cleanlab.rank, Workflow 7.3 will always work.

  • Workflow 7.3 is also for users who have a custom way to rank their data by label quality, and they just need to know what the cut-off is, found via cleanlab.count.num_label_issues.

Workflow 8: Ensembling label quality scores from multiple predictors#

from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier, RandomForestClassifier

# 3 models in ensemble
model1 = LogisticRegression(penalty="l2", verbose=0, random_state=SEED)
model2 = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=5, random_state=SEED)
model3 = GradientBoostingClassifier(
    n_estimators=100, learning_rate=1.0, max_depth=3, random_state=SEED

# Get cross-validated predicted probabilities from each model
cv_pred_probs_1 = cross_val_predict(
    estimator=model1, X=data, y=labels, cv=3, method="predict_proba"
cv_pred_probs_2 = cross_val_predict(
    estimator=model2, X=data, y=labels, cv=3, method="predict_proba"
cv_pred_probs_3 = cross_val_predict(
    estimator=model3, X=data, y=labels, cv=3, method="predict_proba"

# List of predicted probabilities from each model
pred_probs_list = [cv_pred_probs_1, cv_pred_probs_2, cv_pred_probs_3]

# Get ensemble label quality scores
label_quality_scores_best = cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_ensemble_scores(
    labels=labels, pred_probs_list=pred_probs_list, verbose=False

# Alternative approach: create single ensemble predictor and get its pred_probs
cv_pred_probs_ensemble = (cv_pred_probs_1 + cv_pred_probs_2 + cv_pred_probs_3)/3  # uniform aggregation of predictions

# Use this single set of pred_probs to find label issues
label_quality_scores_better = cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores(
    labels=labels, pred_probs=cv_pred_probs_ensemble

While ensembling different models’ label quality scores (label_quality_scores_best) will often be superior to getting label quality scores from a single ensemble predictor (label_quality_scores_better), both approaches produce significantly better label quality scores than just using the predictions from a single model.

Spending too much time on data quality?#

Using this open-source package effectively can require significant ML expertise and experimentation, plus handling detected data issues can be cumbersome.

That’s why we built Cleanlab Studio – an automated platform to find and fix issues in your dataset, 100x faster and more accurately. Cleanlab Studio automatically runs optimized data quality algorithms from this package on top of cutting-edge AutoML & Foundation models fit to your data, and helps you fix detected issues via a smart data correction interface. Try it for free!

The modern AI pipeline automated with Cleanlab Studio