Source code for

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors


    from cleanlab.typing import Metric

[docs]def construct_knn(n_neighbors: int, metric: Metric, **knn_kwargs) -> NearestNeighbors: """ Constructs a k-nearest neighbors search object. You can implement a similar method to run cleanlab with your own approximate-KNN library. Parameters ---------- n_neighbors : The number of nearest neighbors to consider. metric : The distance metric to use for computing distances between points. See :py:mod:`~cleanlab.internal.neighbor.metric` for more information. **knn_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the search index constructor. See for more details on the available options. Returns ------- knn : A k-nearest neighbors search object compatible with the scikit-learn NearestNeighbors class interface. Implements: - `fit` method: Accepts a feature array `X` to fit the model. This enables subsequent neighbor searches on the data. - `kneighbors` method: Finds the K-neighbors of a point, returning distances and indices of the k-nearest neighbors. Handles two scenarios: 1. When a query array `features: np.ndarray` is provided, it returns the distances and indices for each point in the query array. 2. When no query array is provided (`features = None`), it returns neighbors for each indexed point without considering the query point as its own neighbor. Optionally, allows re-specification of the number of neighbors for each query point, defaulting to the constructor's value if not specified. Attributes: - `n_neighbors`: Number of neighbors to consider. - `metric`: Distance metric used to compute distances between points. - `metric_params`: Additional parameters for the distance metric function. Optional: - `kneighbors_graph` method: Not required but can be implemented for convenience. Responsibility shifted to :py:ref:`construct_knn_graph_from_index <cleanlab.internal.neighbor.neighbor.construct_knn_graph_from_index>`. Fitted Attributes: - `n_features_in_`: Number of features observed during fit. - `effective_metric_params_`: Metric parameters used in distance computation. - `effective_metric_`: Metric used for computing distances to neighbors. - `n_samples_fit_`: Number of samples in the fitted data. Additional: - `__sklearn_is_fitted__`: Method returning a boolean indicating if the object is fitted, useful for conducting an is_fitted validation, which verifies the presence of fitted attributes (typically ending with a trailing underscore). The above specifications ensure compatibility and provide a clear directive for developers needing to integrate alternative k-nearest neighbors implementations or modify existing functionalities. Note ---- The `metric` argument should be a callable that takes two arguments (the two points) and returns the distance between them. The additional keyword arguments (`**knn_kwargs`) are passed directly to the underlying k-nearest neighbors search algorithm. """ sklearn_knn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, metric=metric, **knn_kwargs) return sklearn_knn