Source code for cleanlab.experimental.label_issues_batched

# Copyright (C) 2017-2023  Cleanlab Inc.
# This file is part of cleanlab.
# cleanlab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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Implementation of :py:func:`filter.find_label_issues <cleanlab.filter.find_label_issues>`
that does not need much memory by operating in mini-batches.
You can also use this approach to estimate label quality scores or the number of label issues
for big datasets with limited memory.

With default settings, the results returned from this approach closely approximate those returned from:
``cleanlab.filter.find_label_issues(..., filter_by="low_self_confidence", return_indices_ranked_by="self_confidence")``

To run this approach, either use the ``find_label_issues_batched()`` convenience function defined in this module,
or follow the examples script for the ``LabelInspector`` class if you require greater customization.

import numpy as np
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Any

from cleanlab.count import get_confident_thresholds
from cleanlab.rank import find_top_issues, _compute_label_quality_scores
from cleanlab.typing import LabelLike
from cleanlab.internal.util import value_counts_fill_missing_classes
from cleanlab.internal.constants import (

import platform
import multiprocessing as mp

    import psutil

except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover

# global variable for multiproc on linux
adj_confident_thresholds_shared: np.ndarray
labels_shared: LabelLike
pred_probs_shared: np.ndarray

[docs]def find_label_issues_batched( labels: Optional[LabelLike] = None, pred_probs: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, *, labels_file: Optional[str] = None, pred_probs_file: Optional[str] = None, batch_size: int = 10000, n_jobs: Optional[int] = 1, verbose: bool = True, quality_score_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, num_issue_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, return_mask: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Variant of :py:func:`filter.find_label_issues <cleanlab.filter.find_label_issues>` that requires less memory by reading from `pred_probs`, `labels` in mini-batches. To avoid loading big `pred_probs`, `labels` arrays into memory, provide these as memory-mapped objects like Zarr arrays or memmap arrays instead of regular numpy arrays. See: With default settings, the results returned from this method closely approximate those returned from: ``cleanlab.filter.find_label_issues(..., filter_by="low_self_confidence", return_indices_ranked_by="self_confidence")`` This function internally implements the example usage script of the ``LabelInspector`` class, but you can further customize that script by running it yourself instead of this function. See the documentation of ``LabelInspector`` to learn more about how this method works internally. Parameters ---------- labels: np.ndarray-like object, optional 1D array of given class labels for each example in the dataset, (int) values in ``0,1,2,...,K-1``. To avoid loading big objects into memory, you should pass this as a memory-mapped object like: Zarr array loaded with ``, mode="r")``, or memmap array loaded with ``np.load(YOURFILE.npy, mmap_mode="r")``. Tip: You can save an existing numpy array to Zarr via: ``zarr.convenience.save_array(YOURFILE.zarr, your_array)``, or to .npy file that can be loaded with mmap via: ``, your_array)``. pred_probs: np.ndarray-like object, optional 2D array of model-predicted class probabilities (floats) for each example in the dataset. To avoid loading big objects into memory, you should pass this as a memory-mapped object like: Zarr array loaded with ``, mode="r")`` or memmap array loaded with ``np.load(YOURFILE.npy, mmap_mode="r")``. labels_file: str, optional Specify this instead of `labels` if you want this method to load from file for you into a memmap array. Path to .npy file where the entire 1D `labels` numpy array is stored on disk (list format is not supported). This is loaded using: ``np.load(labels_file, mmap_mode="r")`` so make sure this file was created via: ```` or other compatible methods (.npz not supported). pred_probs_file: str, optional Specify this instead of `pred_probs` if you want this method to load from file for you into a memmap array. Path to .npy file where the entire `pred_probs` numpy array is stored on disk. This is loaded using: ``np.load(pred_probs_file, mmap_mode="r")`` so make sure this file was created via: ```` or other compatible methods (.npz not supported). batch_size : int, optional Size of mini-batches to use for estimating the label issues. To maximize efficiency, try to use the largest `batch_size` your memory allows. n_jobs: int, optional Number of processes for multiprocessing (default value = 1). Only used on Linux. If `n_jobs=None`, will use either the number of: physical cores if psutil is installed, or logical cores otherwise. verbose : bool, optional Whether to suppress print statements or not. quality_score_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to pass into :py:func:`rank.get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>`. num_issue_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to :py:func:`count.num_label_issues <cleanlab.count.num_label_issues>` to control estimation of the number of label issues. The only supported kwarg here for now is: `estimation_method`. return_mask : bool, optional Determines what is returned by this method: If `return_mask=True`, return a boolean mask. If `False`, return a list of indices specifying examples with label issues, sorted by label quality score. Returns ------- label_issues : np.ndarray If `return_mask` is `True`, returns a boolean **mask** for the entire dataset where ``True`` represents a label issue and ``False`` represents an example that is accurately labeled with high confidence. If `return_mask` is `False`, returns an array containing **indices** of examples identified to have label issues (i.e. those indices where the mask would be ``True``), sorted by likelihood that the corresponding label is correct. -------- >>> batch_size = 10000 # for efficiency, set this to as large of a value as your memory can handle >>> # Just demonstrating how to save your existing numpy labels, pred_probs arrays to compatible .npy files: >>>"LABELS.npy", labels_array) >>>"PREDPROBS.npy", pred_probs_array) >>> # You can load these back into memmap arrays via: labels = np.load("LABELS.npy", mmap_mode="r") >>> # and then run this method on the memmap arrays, or just run it directly on the .npy files like this: >>> issues = find_label_issues_batched(labels_file="LABELS.npy", pred_probs_file="PREDPROBS.npy", batch_size=batch_size) >>> # This method also works with Zarr arrays: >>> import zarr >>> # Just demonstrating how to save your existing numpy labels, pred_probs arrays to compatible .zarr files: >>> zarr.convenience.save_array("LABELS.zarr", labels_array) >>> zarr.convenience.save_array("PREDPROBS.zarr", pred_probs_array) >>> # You can load from such files into Zarr arrays: >>> labels ="LABELS.zarr", mode="r") >>> pred_probs ="PREDPROBS.zarr", mode="r") >>> # This method can be directly run on Zarr arrays, memmap arrays, or regular numpy arrays: >>> issues = find_label_issues_batched(labels=labels, pred_probs=pred_probs, batch_size=batch_size) """ if labels_file is not None: if labels is not None: raise ValueError("only specify one of: `labels` or `labels_file`") if not isinstance(labels_file, str): raise ValueError( "labels_file must be str specifying path to .npy file containing the array of labels" ) labels = np.load(labels_file, mmap_mode="r") assert isinstance(labels, np.ndarray) if pred_probs_file is not None: if pred_probs is not None: raise ValueError("only specify one of: `pred_probs` or `pred_probs_file`") if not isinstance(pred_probs_file, str): raise ValueError( "pred_probs_file must be str specifying path to .npy file containing 2D array of pred_probs" ) pred_probs = np.load(pred_probs_file, mmap_mode="r") assert isinstance(pred_probs, np.ndarray) if verbose: print( f"mmap-loaded numpy arrays have: {len(pred_probs)} examples, {pred_probs.shape[1]} classes" ) if labels is None: raise ValueError("must provide one of: `labels` or `labels_file`") if pred_probs is None: raise ValueError("must provide one of: `pred_probs` or `pred_probs_file`") assert pred_probs is not None if len(labels) != len(pred_probs): raise ValueError( f"len(labels)={len(labels)} does not match len(pred_probs)={len(pred_probs)}. Perhaps an issue loading mmap numpy arrays from file." ) lab = LabelInspector( num_class=pred_probs.shape[1], verbose=verbose, n_jobs=n_jobs, quality_score_kwargs=quality_score_kwargs, num_issue_kwargs=num_issue_kwargs, ) n = len(labels) if verbose: from import tqdm pbar = tqdm(desc="number of examples processed for estimating thresholds", total=n) i = 0 while i < n: end_index = i + batch_size labels_batch = labels[i:end_index] pred_probs_batch = pred_probs[i:end_index, :] i = end_index lab.update_confident_thresholds(labels_batch, pred_probs_batch) if verbose: pbar.update(batch_size) # Next evaluate the quality of the labels (run this on full dataset you want to evaluate): if verbose: pbar.close() pbar = tqdm(desc="number of examples processed for checking labels", total=n) i = 0 while i < n: end_index = i + batch_size labels_batch = labels[i:end_index] pred_probs_batch = pred_probs[i:end_index, :] i = end_index _ = lab.score_label_quality(labels_batch, pred_probs_batch) if verbose: pbar.update(batch_size) if verbose: pbar.close() label_issues_indices = lab.get_label_issues() if return_mask: label_issues_mask = np.zeros(len(labels), dtype=bool) label_issues_mask[label_issues_indices] = True return label_issues_mask return label_issues_indices
[docs]class LabelInspector: """ Class for finding label issues in big datasets where memory becomes a problem for other cleanlab methods. Only create one such object per dataset and do not try to use the same ``LabelInspector`` across 2 datasets. For efficiency, this class does little input checking. You can first run :py:func:`filter.find_label_issues <cleanlab.filter.find_label_issues>` on a small subset of your data to verify your inputs are properly formatted. Do NOT modify any of the attributes of this class yourself! Multi-label classification is not supported by this class, it is only for multi-class classification. The recommended usage demonstrated in the examples script below involves two passes over your data: one pass to compute `confident_thresholds`, another to evaluate each label. To maximize efficiency, try to use the largest batch_size your memory allows. To reduce runtime further, you can run the first pass on a subset of your dataset as long as it contains enough data from each class to estimate `confident_thresholds` accurately. In the examples script below: - `labels` is a (big) 1D ``np.ndarray`` of class labels represented as integers in ``0,1,...,K-1``. - ``pred_probs`` = is a (big) 2D ``np.ndarray`` of predicted class probabilities, where each row is an example, each column represents a class. `labels` and `pred_probs` can be stored in a file instead where you load chunks of them at a time. Methods to load arrays in chunks include: ``np.load(...,mmap_mode='r')``, ``numpy.memmap()``, HDF5 or Zarr files, see: Examples -------- >>> n = len(labels) >>> batch_size = 10000 # you can change this in between batches, set as big as your RAM allows >>> lab = LabelInspector(num_class = pred_probs.shape[1]) >>> # First compute confident thresholds (for faster results, can also do this on a random subset of your data): >>> i = 0 >>> while i < n: >>> end_index = i + batch_size >>> labels_batch = labels[i:end_index] >>> pred_probs_batch = pred_probs[i:end_index,:] >>> i = end_index >>> lab.update_confident_thresholds(labels_batch, pred_probs_batch) >>> # See what we calculated: >>> confident_thresholds = lab.get_confident_thresholds() >>> # Evaluate the quality of the labels (run this on full dataset you want to evaluate): >>> i = 0 >>> while i < n: >>> end_index = i + batch_size >>> labels_batch = labels[i:end_index] >>> pred_probs_batch = pred_probs[i:end_index,:] >>> i = end_index >>> batch_results = lab.score_label_quality(labels_batch, pred_probs_batch) >>> # Indices of examples with label issues, sorted by label quality score (most severe to least severe): >>> indices_of_examples_with_issues = lab.get_label_issues() >>> # If your `pred_probs` and `labels` are arrays already in memory, >>> # then you can use this shortcut for all of the above: >>> indices_of_examples_with_issues = find_label_issues_batched(labels, pred_probs, batch_size=10000) Parameters ---------- num_class : int The number of classes in your multi-class classification task. store_results : bool, optional Whether this object will store all label quality scores, a 1D array of shape ``(N,)`` where ``N`` is the total number of examples in your dataset. Set this to False if you encounter memory problems even for small batch sizes (~1000). If ``False``, you can still identify the label issues yourself by aggregating the label quality scores for each batch, sorting them across all batches, and returning the top ``T`` indices with ``T = self.get_num_issues()``. verbose : bool, optional Whether to suppress print statements or not. n_jobs: int, optional Number of processes for multiprocessing (default value = 1). Only used on Linux. If `n_jobs=None`, will use either the number of: physical cores if psutil is installed, or logical cores otherwise. quality_score_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to pass into :py:func:`rank.get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>`. num_issue_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to :py:func:`count.num_label_issues <cleanlab.count.num_label_issues>` to control estimation of the number of label issues. The only supported kwarg here for now is: `estimation_method`. """ def __init__( self, *, num_class: int, store_results: bool = True, verbose: bool = True, quality_score_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, num_issue_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, n_jobs: Optional[int] = 1, ): if quality_score_kwargs is None: quality_score_kwargs = {} if num_issue_kwargs is None: num_issue_kwargs = {} self.num_class = num_class self.store_results = store_results self.verbose = verbose self.quality_score_kwargs = quality_score_kwargs # extra arguments for ``rank.get_label_quality_scores()`` to control label quality scoring self.num_issue_kwargs = num_issue_kwargs # extra arguments for ``count.num_label_issues()`` to control estimation of the number of label issues (only supported argument for now is: `estimation_method`). self.off_diagonal_calibrated = False if num_issue_kwargs.get("estimation_method") == "off_diagonal_calibrated": # store extra attributes later needed for calibration: self.off_diagonal_calibrated = True self.prune_counts = np.zeros(self.num_class) self.class_counts = np.zeros(self.num_class) self.normalization = np.zeros(self.num_class) else: self.prune_count = 0 # number of label issues estimated based on data seen so far (only used when estimation_method is not calibrated) if self.store_results: self.label_quality_scores: List[float] = [] self.confident_thresholds = np.zeros( (num_class,) ) # current estimate of thresholds based on data seen so far self.examples_per_class = np.zeros( (num_class,) ) # current counts of examples with each given label seen so far self.examples_processed_thresh = ( 0 # number of examples seen so far for estimating thresholds ) self.examples_processed_quality = 0 # number of examples seen so far for estimating label quality and number of label issues # Determine number of cores for multiprocessing: self.n_jobs: Optional[int] = None os_name = platform.system() if os_name != "Linux": self.n_jobs = 1 if n_jobs is not None and n_jobs != 1 and self.verbose: print( "n_jobs is overridden to 1 because multiprocessing is only supported for Linux." ) elif n_jobs is not None: self.n_jobs = n_jobs else: if PSUTIL_EXISTS: self.n_jobs = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) # physical cores if not self.n_jobs: # switch to logical cores self.n_jobs = mp.cpu_count() if self.verbose: print( f"Multiprocessing will default to using the number of logical cores ({self.n_jobs}). To default to number of physical cores: pip install psutil" )
[docs] def get_confident_thresholds(self, silent: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Fetches already-computed confident thresholds from the data seen so far in same format as: :py:func:`count.get_confident_thresholds <cleanlab.count.get_confident_thresholds>`. Returns ------- confident_thresholds : np.ndarray An array of shape ``(K, )`` where ``K`` is the number of classes. """ if self.examples_processed_thresh < 1: raise ValueError( "Have not computed any confident_thresholds yet. Call `update_confident_thresholds()` first." ) else: if self.verbose and not silent: print( f"Total number of examples used to estimate confident thresholds: {self.examples_processed_thresh}" ) return self.confident_thresholds
[docs] def get_num_issues(self, silent: bool = False) -> int: """ Fetches already-computed estimate of the number of label issues in the data seen so far in the same format as: :py:func:`count.num_label_issues <cleanlab.count.num_label_issues>`. Note: The estimated number of issues may differ from :py:func:`count.num_label_issues <cleanlab.count.num_label_issues>` by 1 due to rounding differences. Returns ------- num_issues : int The estimated number of examples with label issues in the data seen so far. """ if self.examples_processed_quality < 1: raise ValueError( "Have not evaluated any labels yet. Call `score_label_quality()` first." ) else: if self.verbose and not silent: print( f"Total number of examples whose labels have been evaluated: {self.examples_processed_quality}" ) if self.off_diagonal_calibrated: calibrated_prune_counts = ( self.prune_counts * self.class_counts / np.clip(self.normalization, a_min=CLIPPING_LOWER_BOUND, a_max=None) ) # avoid division by 0 return np.rint(np.sum(calibrated_prune_counts)).astype("int") else: # not calibrated return self.prune_count
[docs] def get_quality_scores(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Fetches already-computed estimate of the label quality of each example seen so far in the same format as: :py:func:`rank.get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>`. Returns ------- label_quality_scores : np.ndarray Contains one score (between 0 and 1) per example seen so far. Lower scores indicate more likely mislabeled examples. """ if not self.store_results: raise ValueError( "Must initialize the LabelInspector with `store_results` == True. " "Otherwise you can assemble the label quality scores yourself based on " "the scores returned for each batch of data from `score_label_quality()`" ) else: return np.asarray(self.label_quality_scores)
[docs] def get_label_issues(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Fetches already-computed estimate of indices of examples with label issues in the data seen so far, in the same format as: :py:func:`filter.find_label_issues <cleanlab.filter.find_label_issues>` with its `return_indices_ranked_by` argument specified. Note: this method corresponds to ``filter.find_label_issues(..., filter_by=METHOD1, return_indices_ranked_by=METHOD2)`` where by default: ``METHOD1="low_self_confidence"``, ``METHOD2="self_confidence"`` or if this object was instantiated with ``quality_score_kwargs = {"method": "normalized_margin"}`` then we instead have: ``METHOD1="low_normalized_margin"``, ``METHOD2="normalized_margin"``. Note: The estimated number of issues may differ from :py:func:`filter.find_label_issues <cleanlab.filter.find_label_issues>` by 1 due to rounding differences. Returns ------- issue_indices : np.ndarray Indices of examples with label issues, sorted by label quality score. """ if not self.store_results: raise ValueError( "Must initialize the LabelInspector with `store_results` == True. " "Otherwise you can identify label issues yourself based on the scores from all " "the batches of data and the total number of issues returned by `get_num_issues()`" ) if self.examples_processed_quality < 1: raise ValueError( "Have not evaluated any labels yet. Call `score_label_quality()` first." ) if self.verbose: print( f"Total number of examples whose labels have been evaluated: {self.examples_processed_quality}" ) return find_top_issues(self.get_quality_scores(), top=self.get_num_issues(silent=True))
[docs] def update_confident_thresholds(self, labels: LabelLike, pred_probs: np.ndarray): """ Updates the estimate of confident_thresholds stored in this class using a new batch of data. Inputs should be in same format as for: :py:func:`count.get_confident_thresholds <cleanlab.count.get_confident_thresholds>`. Parameters ---------- labels: np.ndarray or list Given class labels for each example in the batch, values in ``0,1,2,...,K-1``. pred_probs: np.ndarray 2D array of model-predicted class probabilities for each example in the batch. """ labels = _batch_check(labels, pred_probs, self.num_class) batch_size = len(labels) batch_thresholds = get_confident_thresholds( labels, pred_probs ) # values for missing classes may exceed 1 but should not matter since we multiply by this class counts in the batch batch_class_counts = value_counts_fill_missing_classes(labels, num_classes=self.num_class) self.confident_thresholds = ( self.examples_per_class * self.confident_thresholds + batch_class_counts * batch_thresholds ) / np.clip( self.examples_per_class + batch_class_counts, a_min=1, a_max=None ) # avoid division by 0 self.confident_thresholds = np.clip( self.confident_thresholds, a_min=CONFIDENT_THRESHOLDS_LOWER_BOUND, a_max=None ) self.examples_per_class += batch_class_counts self.examples_processed_thresh += batch_size
[docs] def score_label_quality( self, labels: LabelLike, pred_probs: np.ndarray, *, update_num_issues: bool = True, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Scores the label quality of each example in the provided batch of data, and also updates the number of label issues stored in this class. Inputs should be in same format as for: :py:func:`rank.get_label_quality_scores <cleanlab.rank.get_label_quality_scores>`. Parameters ---------- labels: np.ndarray Given class labels for each example in the batch, values in ``0,1,2,...,K-1``. pred_probs: np.ndarray 2D array of model-predicted class probabilities for each example in the batch of data. update_num_issues: bool, optional Whether or not to update the number of label issues or only compute label quality scores. For lower runtimes, set this to ``False`` if you only want to score label quality and not find label issues. Returns ------- label_quality_scores : np.ndarray Contains one score (between 0 and 1) for each example in the batch of data. """ labels = _batch_check(labels, pred_probs, self.num_class) batch_size = len(labels) scores = _compute_label_quality_scores( labels, pred_probs, confident_thresholds=self.get_confident_thresholds(silent=True), **self.quality_score_kwargs, ) class_counts = value_counts_fill_missing_classes(labels, num_classes=self.num_class) if update_num_issues: self._update_num_label_issues(labels, pred_probs, **self.num_issue_kwargs) self.examples_processed_quality += batch_size if self.store_results: self.label_quality_scores += list(scores) return scores
def _update_num_label_issues( self, labels: LabelLike, pred_probs: np.ndarray, **kwargs, ): """ Update the estimate of num_label_issues stored in this class using a new batch of data. Kwargs are ignored here for now (included for forwards compatibility). Instead of being specified here, `estimation_method` should be declared when this class is initialized. """ # whether to match the output of count.num_label_issues exactly # default is False, which gives significant speedup on large batches # and empirically matches num_label_issues even on input sizes of # 1M x 10k thorough = False if self.examples_processed_thresh < 1: raise ValueError( "Have not computed any confident_thresholds yet. Call `update_confident_thresholds()` first." ) if self.n_jobs == 1: adj_confident_thresholds = self.confident_thresholds - FLOATING_POINT_COMPARISON pred_class = np.argmax(pred_probs, axis=1) batch_size = len(labels) if thorough: # add margin for floating point comparison operations: pred_gt_thresholds = pred_probs >= adj_confident_thresholds max_ind = np.argmax(pred_probs * pred_gt_thresholds, axis=1) if not self.off_diagonal_calibrated: mask = (max_ind != labels) & (pred_class != labels) else: # calibrated # should we change to above? mask = pred_class != labels else: max_ind = pred_class mask = pred_class != labels if not self.off_diagonal_calibrated: prune_count_batch = np.sum( ( pred_probs[np.arange(batch_size), max_ind] >= adj_confident_thresholds[max_ind] ) & mask ) self.prune_count += prune_count_batch else: # calibrated self.class_counts += value_counts_fill_missing_classes( labels, num_classes=self.num_class ) to_increment = ( pred_probs[np.arange(batch_size), max_ind] >= adj_confident_thresholds[max_ind] ) for class_label in range(self.num_class): labels_equal_to_class = labels == class_label self.normalization[class_label] += np.sum(labels_equal_to_class & to_increment) self.prune_counts[class_label] += np.sum( labels_equal_to_class & to_increment & (max_ind != labels) # & (pred_class != labels) # This is not applied in num_label_issues(..., estimation_method="off_diagonal_custom"). Do we want to add it? ) else: # multiprocessing implementation global adj_confident_thresholds_shared adj_confident_thresholds_shared = self.confident_thresholds - FLOATING_POINT_COMPARISON global labels_shared, pred_probs_shared labels_shared = labels pred_probs_shared = pred_probs # good values for this are ~1000-10000 in benchmarks where pred_probs has 1B entries: processes = 5000 if len(labels) <= processes: chunksize = 1 else: chunksize = len(labels) // processes inds = split_arr(np.arange(len(labels)), chunksize) if thorough: use_thorough = np.ones(len(inds), dtype=bool) else: use_thorough = np.zeros(len(inds), dtype=bool) args = zip(inds, use_thorough) with mp.Pool(self.n_jobs) as pool: if not self.off_diagonal_calibrated: prune_count_batch = np.sum( np.asarray(list(pool.imap_unordered(_compute_num_issues, args))) ) self.prune_count += prune_count_batch else: results = list(pool.imap_unordered(_compute_num_issues_calibrated, args)) for result in results: class_label = result[0] self.class_counts[class_label] += 1 self.normalization[class_label] += result[1] self.prune_counts[class_label] += result[2]
[docs]def split_arr(arr: np.ndarray, chunksize: int) -> List[np.ndarray]: """ Helper function to split array into chunks for multiprocessing. """ return np.split(arr, np.arange(chunksize, arr.shape[0], chunksize), axis=0)
def _compute_num_issues(arg: Tuple[np.ndarray, bool]) -> int: """ Helper function for `_update_num_label_issues` multiprocessing without calibration. """ ind = arg[0] thorough = arg[1] label = labels_shared[ind] pred_prob = pred_probs_shared[ind, :] pred_class = np.argmax(pred_prob, axis=-1) batch_size = len(label) if thorough: pred_gt_thresholds = pred_prob >= adj_confident_thresholds_shared max_ind = np.argmax(pred_prob * pred_gt_thresholds, axis=-1) prune_count_batch = np.sum( (pred_prob[np.arange(batch_size), max_ind] >= adj_confident_thresholds_shared[max_ind]) & (max_ind != label) & (pred_class != label) ) else: prune_count_batch = np.sum( ( pred_prob[np.arange(batch_size), pred_class] >= adj_confident_thresholds_shared[pred_class] ) & (pred_class != label) ) return prune_count_batch def _compute_num_issues_calibrated(arg: Tuple[np.ndarray, bool]) -> Tuple[Any, int, int]: """ Helper function for `_update_num_label_issues` multiprocessing with calibration. """ ind = arg[0] thorough = arg[1] label = labels_shared[ind] pred_prob = pred_probs_shared[ind, :] batch_size = len(label) pred_class = np.argmax(pred_prob, axis=-1) if thorough: pred_gt_thresholds = pred_prob >= adj_confident_thresholds_shared max_ind = np.argmax(pred_prob * pred_gt_thresholds, axis=-1) to_inc = ( pred_prob[np.arange(batch_size), max_ind] >= adj_confident_thresholds_shared[max_ind] ) prune_count_batch = to_inc & (max_ind != label) normalization_batch = to_inc else: to_inc = ( pred_prob[np.arange(batch_size), pred_class] >= adj_confident_thresholds_shared[pred_class] ) normalization_batch = to_inc prune_count_batch = to_inc & (pred_class != label) return (label, normalization_batch, prune_count_batch) def _batch_check(labels: LabelLike, pred_probs: np.ndarray, num_class: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Basic checks to ensure batch of data looks ok. For efficiency, this check is quite minimal. Returns ------- labels : np.ndarray `labels` formatted as a 1D array. """ batch_size = pred_probs.shape[0] labels = np.asarray(labels) if len(labels) != batch_size: raise ValueError("labels and pred_probs must have same length") if pred_probs.shape[1] != num_class: raise ValueError("num_class must equal pred_probs.shape[1]") return labels