Source code for cleanlab.datalab.internal.issue_manager_factory

# Copyright (C) 2017-2023  Cleanlab Inc.
# This file is part of cleanlab.
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"""The factory module provides a factory class for constructing concrete issue managers
and a decorator for registering new issue managers.

This module provides the :py:meth:`register` decorator for users to register new subclasses of
:py:class:`IssueManager <cleanlab.datalab.internal.issue_manager.issue_manager.IssueManager>`
in the registry. Each IssueManager detects some particular type of issue in a dataset.


The :class:`REGISTRY` variable is used by the factory class to keep track
of registered issue managers.
The factory class is used as an implementation detail by
:py:class:`Datalab <cleanlab.datalab.datalab.Datalab>`,
which provides a simplified API for constructing concrete issue managers.
:py:class:`Datalab <cleanlab.datalab.datalab.Datalab>` is intended to be used by users
and provides detailed documentation on how to use the API.

Neither the :class:`REGISTRY` variable nor the factory class should be used directly by users.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Dict, List, Type

from cleanlab.datalab.internal.issue_manager import (

REGISTRY: Dict[str, Type[IssueManager]] = {
    "outlier": OutlierIssueManager,
    "label": LabelIssueManager,
    "near_duplicate": NearDuplicateIssueManager,
    "non_iid": NonIIDIssueManager,
    "class_imbalance": ClassImbalanceIssueManager,
"""Registry of issue managers that can be constructed from a string
and used in the Datalab class.

:meta hide-value:

Currently, the following issue managers are registered by default:

- ``"outlier"``: :py:class:`OutlierIssueManager <cleanlab.datalab.internal.issue_manager.outlier.OutlierIssueManager>`
- ``"label"``: :py:class:`LabelIssueManager <cleanlab.datalab.internal.issue_manager.label.LabelIssueManager>`
- ``"near_duplicate"``: :py:class:`NearDuplicateIssueManager <cleanlab.datalab.internal.issue_manager.duplicate.NearDuplicateIssueManager>`
- ``"non_iid"``: :py:class:`NonIIDIssueManager <cleanlab.datalab.internal.issue_manager.noniid.NonIIDIssueManager>`

This variable should not be used directly by users.

# Construct concrete issue manager with a from_str method
class _IssueManagerFactory:
    """Factory class for constructing concrete issue managers."""

    def from_str(cls, issue_type: str) -> Type[IssueManager]:
        """Constructs a concrete issue manager class from a string."""
        if isinstance(issue_type, list):
            raise ValueError(
                "issue_type must be a string, not a list. Try using from_list instead."
        if issue_type not in REGISTRY:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid issue type: {issue_type}")
        return REGISTRY[issue_type]

    def from_list(cls, issue_types: List[str]) -> List[Type[IssueManager]]:
        """Constructs a list of concrete issue manager classes from a list of strings."""
        return [cls.from_str(issue_type) for issue_type in issue_types]

[docs]def register(cls: Type[IssueManager]) -> Type[IssueManager]: """Registers the issue manager factory. Parameters ---------- cls : A subclass of :py:class:`IssueManager <cleanlab.datalab.internal.issue_manager.issue_manager.IssueManager>`. Returns ------- cls : The same class that was passed in. Example ------- When defining a new subclass of :py:class:`IssueManager <cleanlab.datalab.internal.issue_manager.issue_manager.IssueManager>`, you can register it like so: .. code-block:: python from cleanlab import IssueManager from cleanlab.datalab.internal.issue_manager_factory import register @register class MyIssueManager(IssueManager): issue_name: str = "my_issue" def find_issues(self, **kwargs): # Some logic to find issues pass or in a function call: .. code-block:: python from cleanlab import IssueManager from cleanlab.datalab.internal.issue_manager_factory import register class MyIssueManager(IssueManager): issue_name: str = "my_issue" def find_issues(self, **kwargs): # Some logic to find issues pass register(MyIssueManager) """ name: str = str(cls.issue_name) if name in REGISTRY: # Warn user that they are overwriting an existing issue manager print( f"Warning: Overwriting existing issue manager {name} with {cls}. " "This may cause unexpected behavior." ) if not issubclass(cls, IssueManager): raise ValueError(f"Class {cls} must be a subclass of IssueManager") REGISTRY[name] = cls return cls