Source code for cleanlab.experimental.coteaching

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Implements the co-teaching algorithm for training neural networks on noisily-labeled data (Han et al., 2018).
This module requires PyTorch (
Example using this algorithm with cleanlab to achieve state of the art on CIFAR-10
for learning with noisy labels is provided within:

```` provides an example model that can be trained via this algorithm.

# Significant code was adapted from the following GitHub:
# See (Han et al., 2018).

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.autograd import Variable
import numpy as np


# Loss function for Co-Teaching
[docs]def loss_coteaching( y_1, y_2, t, forget_rate, class_weights=None, ): """Co-Teaching Loss function. Parameters ---------- y_1 : Tensor array Output logits from model 1 y_2 : Tensor array Output logits from model 2 t : np.ndarray List of Noisy Labels (t means targets) forget_rate : float Decimal between 0 and 1 for how quickly the models forget what they learn. Just use rate_schedule[epoch] for this value class_weights : Tensor array, shape (Number of classes x 1), Default: None A np.torch.tensor list of length number of classes with weights """ loss_1 = F.cross_entropy(y_1, t, reduce=False, weight=class_weights) ind_1_sorted = np.argsort( loss_1_sorted = loss_1[ind_1_sorted] loss_2 = F.cross_entropy(y_2, t, reduce=False, weight=class_weights) ind_2_sorted = np.argsort( remember_rate = 1 - forget_rate num_remember = int(remember_rate * len(loss_1_sorted)) ind_1_update = ind_1_sorted[:num_remember] ind_2_update = ind_2_sorted[:num_remember] # Share updates between the two models. # TODO: these class weights should take into account the ind_mask filters. loss_1_update = F.cross_entropy(y_1[ind_2_update], t[ind_2_update], weight=class_weights) loss_2_update = F.cross_entropy(y_2[ind_1_update], t[ind_1_update], weight=class_weights) return ( torch.sum(loss_1_update) / num_remember, torch.sum(loss_2_update) / num_remember, )
[docs]def initialize_lr_scheduler(lr=0.001, epochs=250, epoch_decay_start=80): """Scheduler to adjust learning rate and betas for Adam Optimizer""" mom1 = 0.9 mom2 = 0.9 # Original author had this set to 0.1 alpha_plan = [lr] * epochs beta1_plan = [mom1] * epochs for i in range(epoch_decay_start, epochs): alpha_plan[i] = float(epochs - i) / (epochs - epoch_decay_start) * lr beta1_plan[i] = mom2 return alpha_plan, beta1_plan
[docs]def adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, epoch, alpha_plan, beta1_plan): """Scheduler to adjust learning rate and betas for Adam Optimizer""" for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group["lr"] = alpha_plan[epoch] param_group["betas"] = (beta1_plan[epoch], 0.999) # Only change beta1
[docs]def forget_rate_scheduler(epochs, forget_rate, num_gradual, exponent): """Tells Co-Teaching what fraction of examples to forget at each epoch.""" # define how many things to forget at each rate schedule forget_rate_schedule = np.ones(epochs) * forget_rate forget_rate_schedule[:num_gradual] = np.linspace(0, forget_rate**exponent, num_gradual) return forget_rate_schedule
# Train the Model
[docs]def train( train_loader, epoch, model1, optimizer1, model2, optimizer2, args, forget_rate_schedule, class_weights, accuracy, ): """PyTorch training function. Parameters ---------- train_loader : epoch : int model1 : PyTorch class inheriting nn.Module Must define __init__ and forward(self, x,) optimizer1 : PyTorch torch.optim.Adam model2 : PyTorch class inheriting nn.Module Must define __init__ and forward(self, x,) optimizer2 : PyTorch torch.optim.Adam args : parser.parse_args() object Must contain num_iter_per_epoch, print_freq, and epochs forget_rate_schedule : np.ndarray of length number of epochs Tells Co-Teaching loss what fraction of examples to forget about. class_weights : Tensor array, shape (Number of classes x 1), Default: None A np.torch.tensor list of length number of classes with weights accuracy : function A function of the form accuracy(output, target, topk=(1,)) for computing top1 and top5 accuracy given output and true targets.""" train_total = 0 train_correct = 0 train_total2 = 0 train_correct2 = 0 # Prepare models for training model1.train() model2.train() for i, (images, labels) in enumerate(train_loader): if i == len(train_loader) - 1 and len(labels) < MINIMUM_BATCH_SIZE: # Edge case -- the last leftover batch is small (potentially size 1) # This will happen if, for example, you train on 35101 examples with # batch size of 450. The last batch will be size 1. # If you update the weights based on the gradient from one example # if that example is noisy, you will add tons of noise to your net # and accuracy will actually go down with each epoch. # To avoid this, do not train on the last batch if it's small. continue images = Variable(images).cuda() labels = Variable(labels).cuda() # Forward + Backward + Optimize logits1 = model1(images) prec1, _ = accuracy(logits1, labels, topk=(1, 5)) train_total += 1 train_correct += prec1 logits2 = model2(images) prec2, _ = accuracy(logits2, labels, topk=(1, 5)) train_total2 += 1 train_correct2 += prec2 loss_1, loss_2 = loss_coteaching( logits1, logits2, labels, forget_rate=forget_rate_schedule[epoch], class_weights=class_weights, ) optimizer1.zero_grad() loss_1.backward() optimizer1.step() optimizer2.zero_grad() loss_2.backward() optimizer2.step() if (i + 1) % args.print_freq == 0: print( "Epoch [%d/%d], Iter [%d/%d] Training Accuracy1: %.4F, " "Training Accuracy2: %.4f, Loss1: %.4f, Loss2: %.4f " % ( epoch + 1, args.epochs, i + 1, len(train_loader.dataset) // args.batch_size, prec1, prec2,,, ) ) train_acc1 = float(train_correct) / float(train_total) train_acc2 = float(train_correct2) / float(train_total2) return train_acc1, train_acc2
# Evaluate the Model
[docs]def evaluate(test_loader, model1, model2): print("Evaluating Co-Teaching Model") model1.eval() # Change model to 'eval' mode. correct1 = 0 total1 = 0 for images, labels in test_loader: images = Variable(images).cuda() logits1 = model1(images) outputs1 = F.softmax(logits1, dim=1) _, pred1 = torch.max(, 1) total1 += labels.size(0) correct1 += (pred1.cpu() == labels).sum() model2.eval() # Change model to 'eval' mode correct2 = 0 total2 = 0 for images, labels in test_loader: images = Variable(images).cuda() logits2 = model2(images) outputs2 = F.softmax(logits2, dim=1) _, pred2 = torch.max(, 1) total2 += labels.size(0) correct2 += (pred2.cpu() == labels).sum() acc1 = 100 * float(correct1) / float(total1) acc2 = 100 * float(correct2) / float(total2) return acc1, acc2