# Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Cleanlab Inc.
# This file is part of cleanlab.
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Module for the :py:class:`DataIssues` class, which serves as a central repository for storing
information and statistics about issues found in a dataset.
It collects information from various
:py:class:`IssueManager <cleanlab.datalab.internal.issue_manager.issue_manager.IssueManager>`
instances and keeps track of each issue, a summary for each type of issue,
related information and statistics about the issues.
The collected information can be accessed using the
`~cleanlab.datalab.internal.data_issues.DataIssues.get_info` method.
We recommend using that method instead of this module, which is just intended for internal use.
from __future__ import annotations
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover
from cleanlab.datalab.internal.data import Data
from cleanlab.datalab.internal.issue_manager import IssueManager
from cleanvision import Imagelab
class _InfoStrategy(ABC):
Abstract base class for strategies that fetch information about data issues.
Subclasses must implement the `get_info` method, which takes a `Data` object, a dictionary of
information about data issues, and an optional issue name, and returns a dictionary of
information about the specified issue, augmented with dataset about the dataset as a whole.
This class also provides a helper method, `_get_info_helper`, which takes an information
dictionary and an optional issue name, and returns a copy of the information dictionary for
the specified issue. If the issue name is `None`, this method returns `None`.
def get_info(
data: Data,
info: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]],
issue_name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get information about a data issue from an information dictionary.
info : dict
A dictionary of information about data issues.
issue_name : str or None, optional (default=None)
The name of the issue to get information about. If `None`, this method returns `None`.
dict or None
A copy of the information dictionary for the specified issue, or `None` if the issue
name is `None`.
If the specified issue name is not found in the information dictionary.
pass # pragma: no cover
def _get_info_helper(
info: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]],
issue_name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
if issue_name is None:
return None
if issue_name not in info:
raise ValueError(
f"issue_name {issue_name} not found in self.info. These have not been computed yet."
info = info[issue_name].copy()
return info
class _ClassificationInfoStrategy(_InfoStrategy):
"""Strategy for computing information about data issues related to classification tasks."""
def get_info(
data: Data,
info: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]],
issue_name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
info_extracted = _InfoStrategy._get_info_helper(info=info, issue_name=issue_name)
info = info_extracted if info_extracted is not None else info
if issue_name in ["label", "class_imbalance"]:
if data.labels.is_available is False:
raise ValueError(
"The labels are not available. "
"Most likely, no label column was provided when creating the Data object."
# Labels that are stored as integers may need to be converted to strings.
label_map = data.labels.label_map
if not label_map:
raise ValueError("The label map is not available.")
for key in ["given_label", "predicted_label"]:
labels = info.get(key, None)
if labels is not None:
info[key] = np.vectorize(label_map.get)(labels)
info["class_names"] = list(label_map.values()) # type: ignore
return info
class _RegressionInfoStrategy(_InfoStrategy):
"""Strategy for computing information about data issues related to regression tasks."""
def get_info(
data: Data,
info: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]],
issue_name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
info_extracted = _InfoStrategy._get_info_helper(info=info, issue_name=issue_name)
info = info_extracted if info_extracted is not None else info
if issue_name == "label":
for key in ["given_label", "predicted_label"]:
labels = info.get(key, None)
if labels is not None:
info[key] = labels
return info
class _MultilabelInfoStrategy(_InfoStrategy):
"""Strategy for computing information about data issues related to multilabel tasks."""
def get_info(
data: Data,
info: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]],
issue_name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
info_extracted = _InfoStrategy._get_info_helper(info=info, issue_name=issue_name)
info = info_extracted if info_extracted is not None else info
if issue_name == "label":
if data.labels.is_available is False:
raise ValueError(
"The labels are not available. "
"Most likely, no label column was provided when creating the Data object."
# Labels that are stored as integers may need to be converted to strings.
label_map = data.labels.label_map
if not label_map:
raise ValueError("The label map is not available.")
for key in ["given_label", "predicted_label"]:
labels = info.get(key, None)
if labels is not None:
info[key] = [list(map(label_map.get, label)) for label in labels] # type: ignore
info["class_names"] = list(label_map.values()) # type: ignore
return info
[docs]class DataIssues:
Class that collects and stores information and statistics on issues found in a dataset.
data :
The data object for which the issues are being collected.
strategy :
Strategy used for processing info dictionaries.
issues : pd.DataFrame
Stores information about each individual issue found in the data,
on a per-example basis.
issue_summary : pd.DataFrame
Summarizes the overall statistics for each issue type.
info : dict
A dictionary that contains information and statistics about the data and each issue type.
def __init__(self, data: Data, strategy: Type[_InfoStrategy]) -> None:
self.issues: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame(index=range(len(data)))
self.issue_summary: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame(
columns=["issue_type", "score", "num_issues"]
).astype({"score": np.float64, "num_issues": np.int64})
self.info: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {
"statistics": get_data_statistics(data),
self._data = data
self._strategy = strategy
[docs] def get_info(self, issue_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return self._strategy.get_info(data=self._data, info=self.info, issue_name=issue_name)
def statistics(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns the statistics dictionary.
Shorthand for self.info["statistics"].
return self.info["statistics"]
[docs] def get_issues(self, issue_name: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
Use this after finding issues to see which examples suffer from which types of issues.
issue_name : str or None
The type of issue to focus on. If `None`, returns full DataFrame summarizing all of the types of issues detected in each example from the dataset.
If `issue_name` is not a type of issue previously considered in the audit.
specific_issues :
A DataFrame where each row corresponds to an example from the dataset and columns specify:
whether this example exhibits a particular type of issue and how severely (via a numeric quality score where lower values indicate more severe instances of the issue).
Additional columns may be present in the DataFrame depending on the type of issue specified.
if self.issues.empty:
raise ValueError(
"""No issues available for retrieval. Please check the following before using `get_issues`:
1. Ensure `find_issues` was executed. If not, please run it with the necessary parameters.
2. If `find_issues` was run but you're seeing this message,
it may have encountered limitations preventing full analysis.
However, partial checks can still provide valuable insights.
Review `find_issues` output carefully for any specific actions needed
to facilitate a more comprehensive analysis before calling `get_issues`.
if issue_name is None:
return self.issues
columns = [col for col in self.issues.columns if issue_name in col]
if not columns:
raise ValueError(
f"""No columns found for issue type '{issue_name}'. Ensure the following:
1. `find_issues` has been executed. If it hasn't, please run it.
2. Check `find_issues` output to verify that the issue type '{issue_name}' was included in the checks to
ensure it was not excluded accidentally before the audit.
3. Review `find_issues` output for any errors or warnings that might indicate the check for '{issue_name}' issues failed to complete.
This can provide better insights into what adjustments may be necessary.
specific_issues = self.issues[columns]
info = self.get_info(issue_name=issue_name)
if issue_name == "label":
specific_issues = specific_issues.assign(
given_label=info["given_label"], predicted_label=info["predicted_label"]
if issue_name == "near_duplicate":
column_dict = {
k: info.get(k)
for k in ["near_duplicate_sets", "distance_to_nearest_neighbor"]
if info.get(k) is not None
specific_issues = specific_issues.assign(**column_dict)
if issue_name == "class_imbalance":
specific_issues = specific_issues.assign(given_label=info["given_label"])
return specific_issues
[docs] def get_issue_summary(self, issue_name: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Summarize the issues found in dataset of a particular type,
including how severe this type of issue is overall across the dataset.
issue_name :
Name of the issue type to summarize. If `None`, summarizes each of the different issue types previously considered in the audit.
issue_summary :
DataFrame where each row corresponds to a type of issue, and columns quantify:
the number of examples in the dataset estimated to exhibit this type of issue,
and the overall severity of the issue across the dataset (via a numeric quality score where lower values indicate that the issue is overall more severe).
if self.issue_summary.empty:
raise ValueError(
"No issues found in the dataset. "
"Call `find_issues` before calling `get_issue_summary`."
if issue_name is None:
return self.issue_summary
row_mask = self.issue_summary["issue_type"] == issue_name
if not any(row_mask):
raise ValueError(f"Issue type {issue_name} not found in the summary.")
return self.issue_summary[row_mask].reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] def collect_statistics(self, issue_manager: Union[IssueManager, "Imagelab"]) -> None:
"""Update the statistics in the info dictionary.
statistics :
A dictionary of statistics to add/update in the info dictionary.
A common use case is to reuse the KNN-graph across multiple issue managers.
To avoid recomputing the KNN-graph for each issue manager,
we can pass it as a statistic to the issue managers.
>>> from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
>>> weighted_knn_graph = csr_matrix(...)
>>> issue_manager_that_computes_knn_graph = ...
key = "statistics"
statistics: Dict[str, Any] = issue_manager.info.get(key, {})
if statistics:
def _update_issues(self, issue_manager):
overlapping_columns = list(set(self.issues.columns) & set(issue_manager.issues.columns))
if overlapping_columns:
f"Overwriting columns {overlapping_columns} in self.issues with "
f"columns from issue manager {issue_manager}."
self.issues.drop(columns=overlapping_columns, inplace=True)
self.issues = self.issues.join(issue_manager.issues, how="outer")
def _update_issue_info(self, issue_name, new_info):
if issue_name in self.info:
warnings.warn(f"Overwriting key {issue_name} in self.info")
self.info[issue_name] = new_info
[docs] def collect_issues_from_issue_manager(self, issue_manager: IssueManager) -> None:
Collects results from an IssueManager and update the corresponding
attributes of the Datalab object.
This includes:
- self.issues
- self.issue_summary
- self.info
issue_manager :
IssueManager object to collect results from.
if issue_manager.issue_name in self.issue_summary["issue_type"].values:
f"Overwriting row in self.issue_summary with "
f"row from issue manager {issue_manager}."
self.issue_summary = self.issue_summary[
self.issue_summary["issue_type"] != issue_manager.issue_name
issue_column_name: str = f"is_{issue_manager.issue_name}_issue"
num_issues: int = int(issue_manager.issues[issue_column_name].sum())
self.issue_summary = pd.concat(
self._update_issue_info(issue_manager.issue_name, issue_manager.info)
[docs] def collect_issues_from_imagelab(self, imagelab: "Imagelab", issue_types: List[str]) -> None:
pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def set_health_score(self) -> None:
"""Set the health score for the dataset based on the issue summary.
Currently, the health score is the mean of the scores for each issue type.
self.info["statistics"]["health_score"] = self.issue_summary["score"].mean()
[docs]def get_data_statistics(data: Data) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Get statistics about a dataset.
This function is called to initialize the "statistics" info in all `Datalab` objects.
data : Data
Data object containing the dataset.
statistics: Dict[str, Any] = {
"num_examples": len(data),
"multi_label": False,
"health_score": None,
if data.labels.is_available:
class_names = data.class_names
statistics["class_names"] = class_names
statistics["num_classes"] = len(class_names)
return statistics