Source code for cleanlab.regression.rank

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# This file is part of cleanlab.
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Methods to score the quality of each label in a regression dataset. These can be used to rank the examples whose Y-value is most likely erroneous.

Note: Label quality scores are most accurate when they are computed based on out-of-sample `predictions` from your regression model.
To obtain out-of-sample predictions for every datapoint in your dataset, you can use :ref:`cross-validation <pred_probs_cross_val>`. This is encouraged to get better results.

If you have a sklearn-compatible regression model, consider using `cleanlab.regression.learn.CleanLearning` instead, which can more accurately identify noisy label values.

from typing import Dict, Callable, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

from cleanlab.internal.neighbor.metric import decide_euclidean_metric
from cleanlab.internal.neighbor.knn_graph import features_to_knn
from cleanlab.outlier import OutOfDistribution
from cleanlab.internal.regression_utils import assert_valid_prediction_inputs

from cleanlab.internal.constants import TINY_VALUE

[docs]def get_label_quality_scores( labels: ArrayLike, predictions: ArrayLike, *, method: str = "outre", ) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns label quality score for each example in the regression dataset. Each score is a continous value in the range [0,1] * 1 - clean label (given label is likely correct). * 0 - dirty label (given label is likely incorrect). Parameters ---------- labels : array_like Raw labels from original dataset. 1D array of shape ``(N, )`` containing the given labels for each example (aka. Y-value, response/target/dependent variable), where N is number of examples in the dataset. predictions : np.ndarray 1D array of shape ``(N,)`` containing the predicted label for each example in the dataset. These should be out-of-sample predictions from a trained regression model, which you can obtain for every example in your dataset via :ref:`cross-validation <pred_probs_cross_val>`. method : {"residual", "outre"}, default="outre" String specifying which method to use for scoring the quality of each label and identifying which labels appear most noisy. Returns ------- label_quality_scores: Array of shape ``(N, )`` of scores between 0 and 1, one per example in the dataset. Lower scores indicate examples more likely to contain a label issue. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from cleanlab.regression.rank import get_label_quality_scores >>> labels = np.array([1,2,3,4]) >>> predictions = np.array([2,2,5,4.1]) >>> label_quality_scores = get_label_quality_scores(labels, predictions) >>> label_quality_scores array([0.00323821, 0.33692597, 0.00191686, 0.33692597]) """ # Check if inputs are valid labels, predictions = assert_valid_prediction_inputs( labels=labels, predictions=predictions, method=method ) scoring_funcs: Dict[str, Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = { "residual": _get_residual_score_for_each_label, "outre": _get_outre_score_for_each_label, } scoring_func = scoring_funcs.get(method, None) if not scoring_func: raise ValueError( f""" {method} is not a valid scoring method. Please choose a valid scoring technique: {scoring_funcs.keys()}. """ ) # Calculate scores label_quality_scores = scoring_func(labels, predictions) return label_quality_scores
def _get_residual_score_for_each_label( labels: np.ndarray, predictions: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: """Returns a residual label-quality score for each example. This is function to compute label-quality scores for regression datasets, where lower score indicate labels less likely to be correct. Residual based scores can work better for datasets where independent variables are based out of normal distribution. Parameters ---------- labels: np.ndarray Labels in the same format expected by the `~cleanlab.regression.rank.get_label_quality_scores` function. predictions: np.ndarray Predicted labels in the same format expected by the `~cleanlab.regression.rank.get_label_quality_scores` function. Returns ------- label_quality_scores: np.ndarray Contains one score (between 0 and 1) per example. Lower scores indicate more likely mislabled examples. """ residual = predictions - labels label_quality_scores = np.exp(-abs(residual)) return label_quality_scores def _get_outre_score_for_each_label( labels: np.ndarray, predictions: np.ndarray, *, residual_scale: float = 5, frac_neighbors: float = 0.5, neighbor_metric: Optional[Union[str, Callable]] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Returns OUTRE based label-quality scores. This function computes label-quality scores for regression datasets, where a lower score indicates labels that are less likely to be correct. Parameters ---------- labels: np.ndarray Labels in the same format as expected by the `~cleanlab.regression.rank.get_label_quality_scores` function. predictions: np.ndarray Predicted labels in the same format as expected by the `~cleanlab.regression.rank.get_label_quality_scores` function. residual_scale: float, default = 5 Multiplicative factor to adjust scale (standard deviation) of the residuals relative to the labels. frac_neighbors: float, default = 0.5 Fraction of examples in dataset that should be considered as `n_neighbors` in the ``NearestNeighbors`` object used internally to assess outliers. neighbor_metric: Optional[str or callable], default = None The parameter is passed to sklearn NearestNeighbors. # TODO add reference to sklearn.NearestNeighbor? If None, the metric is chosen based on the number of features in the dataset. Returns ------- label_quality_scores: np.ndarray Contains one score (between 0 and 1) per example. Lower scores indicate more likely mislabled examples. """ residual = predictions - labels labels = (labels - labels.mean()) / (labels.std() + TINY_VALUE) residual = residual_scale * ((residual - residual.mean()) / (residual.std() + TINY_VALUE)) # 2D features by combining labels and residual features = np.array([labels, residual]).T neighbors = int(np.ceil(frac_neighbors * labels.shape[0])) # Use provided metric or select a decent implementation of the euclidean metric for knn search neighbor_metric = neighbor_metric or decide_euclidean_metric(features) knn = features_to_knn(features, n_neighbors=neighbors, metric=neighbor_metric) ood = OutOfDistribution(params={"knn": knn}) label_quality_scores = ood.score(features=features) return label_quality_scores