Source code for cleanlab.internal.validation

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Checks to ensure valid inputs for various methods.

from cleanlab.typing import LabelLike, DatasetLike
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]def assert_valid_inputs( X: DatasetLike, y: LabelLike, pred_probs: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, multi_label: bool = False, allow_missing_classes: bool = True, allow_one_class: bool = False, ) -> None: """Checks that ``X``, ``labels``, ``pred_probs`` are correctly formatted.""" if not isinstance(y, (list, np.ndarray, np.generic, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): raise TypeError("labels should be a numpy array or pandas Series.") if not multi_label: y = labels_to_array(y) assert_valid_class_labels( y=y, allow_missing_classes=allow_missing_classes, allow_one_class=allow_one_class ) allow_empty_X = True if pred_probs is None: allow_empty_X = False try: import tensorflow if isinstance(X, allow_empty_X = True # length of X may differ due to batch-size used in tf Dataset, so don't check it except Exception: pass if not allow_empty_X: assert_nonempty_input(X) try: num_examples = len(X) len_supported = True except: len_supported = False if not len_supported: try: num_examples = X.shape[0] shape_supported = True except: shape_supported = False if (not len_supported) and (not shape_supported): raise TypeError("Data features X must support either: len(X) or X.shape[0]") if num_examples != len(y): raise ValueError( f"X and labels must be same length, but X is length {num_examples} and labels is length {len(y)}." ) assert_indexing_works(X, length_X=num_examples) if pred_probs is not None: if not isinstance(pred_probs, (np.ndarray, np.generic)): raise TypeError("pred_probs must be a numpy array.") if len(pred_probs) != len(y): raise ValueError("pred_probs and labels must have same length.") if len(pred_probs.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("pred_probs array must have shape: num_examples x num_classes.") if not multi_label: assert isinstance(y, np.ndarray) highest_class = max(y) + 1 else: assert isinstance(y, list) assert all(isinstance(y_i, list) for y_i in y) highest_class = max([max(y_i) for y_i in y if len(y_i) != 0]) + 1 if pred_probs.shape[1] < highest_class: raise ValueError( f"pred_probs must have at least {highest_class} columns, based on the largest class index which appears in labels." ) # Check for valid probabilities. if (np.min(pred_probs) < 0) or (np.max(pred_probs) > 1): raise ValueError("Values in pred_probs must be between 0 and 1.") if X is not None: warnings.warn("When X and pred_probs are both provided, the former may be ignored.")
[docs]def assert_valid_class_labels( y: np.ndarray, allow_missing_classes: bool = True, allow_one_class: bool = False, ) -> None: """Checks that ``labels`` is properly formatted, i.e. a 1D numpy array where labels are zero-based integers (not multi-label). """ if y.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Labels must be 1D numpy array.") if any([isinstance(label, str) for label in y]): raise ValueError( "Labels cannot be strings, they must be zero-indexed integers corresponding to class indices." ) if not np.equal(np.mod(y, 1), 0).all(): # check that labels are integers raise ValueError("Labels must be zero-indexed integers corresponding to class indices.") if min(y) < 0: raise ValueError("Labels must be positive integers corresponding to class indices.") unique_classes = np.unique(y) if (not allow_one_class) and (len(unique_classes) < 2): raise ValueError("Labels must contain at least 2 classes.") if not allow_missing_classes: if (unique_classes != np.arange(len(unique_classes))).any(): msg = "cleanlab requires zero-indexed integer labels (0,1,2,..,K-1), but in " msg += "your case: np.unique(labels) = {}. ".format(str(unique_classes)) msg += "Every class in (0,1,2,..,K-1) must be present in labels as well." raise TypeError(msg)
[docs]def assert_nonempty_input(X: Any) -> None: """Ensures input is not None.""" if X is None: raise ValueError("Data features X cannot be None. Currently X is None.")
[docs]def assert_indexing_works( X: DatasetLike, idx: Optional[List[int]] = None, length_X: Optional[int] = None ) -> None: """Ensures we can do list-based indexing into ``X`` and ``y``. ``length_X`` is an optional argument since sparse matrix ``X`` does not support: ``len(X)`` and we want this method to work for sparse ``X`` (in addition to many other types of ``X``). """ if idx is None: if length_X is None: length_X = 2 # pragma: no cover idx = [0, length_X - 1] is_indexed = False try: if isinstance(X, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): _ = X.iloc[idx] # type: ignore[call-overload] is_indexed = True except Exception: pass if not is_indexed: try: # check if X is pytorch Dataset object using lazy import import torch if isinstance(X, # indexing for pytorch Dataset _ =, idx) # type: ignore[call-overload] is_indexed = True except Exception: pass if not is_indexed: try: # check if X is tensorflow Dataset object using lazy import import tensorflow as tf if isinstance(X, is_indexed = True # skip check for tensorflow Dataset (too expensive) except Exception: pass if not is_indexed: try: _ = X[idx] # type: ignore[call-overload] except Exception: msg = ( "Data features X must support list-based indexing; i.e. one of these must work: \n" ) msg += "1) X[index_list] where say index_list = [0,1,3,10], or \n" msg += "2) X.iloc[index_list] if X is pandas DataFrame." raise TypeError(msg)
[docs]def labels_to_array(y: Union[LabelLike, np.generic]) -> np.ndarray: """Converts different types of label objects to 1D numpy array and checks their validity. Parameters ---------- y : Union[LabelLike, np.generic] Labels to convert to 1D numpy array. Can be a list, numpy array, pandas Series, or pandas DataFrame. Returns ------- labels_array : np.ndarray 1D numpy array of labels. """ if isinstance(y, pd.Series): y_series: np.ndarray = y.to_numpy() return y_series elif isinstance(y, pd.DataFrame): y_arr = y.values assert isinstance(y_arr, np.ndarray) if y_arr.shape[1] != 1: raise ValueError("labels must be one dimensional.") return y_arr.flatten() else: # y is list, np.ndarray, or some other tuple-like object try: return np.asarray(y) except: raise ValueError( "List of labels must be convertable to 1D numpy array via: np.ndarray(labels)." )