Source code for cleanlab.classification

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# This file is part of cleanlab.
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cleanlab package for multiclass learning with noisy labels for any model.

The LearningWithNoisyLabels class wraps around an instance of a
classifier class. Your classifier must adhere to the sklearn template,
meaning it must define four functions:

* ``, y, sample_weight = None)``
* ``clf.predict_proba(X)``
* ``clf.predict(X)``
* ``clf.score(X, y, sample_weight = None)``

where ``X`` (of length *n*) contains the data/examples, ``y`` (of length *n*)
contains the contains targets formatted as ``0, 1, 2, ..., K-1``, and
``sample_weight`` (of length *n*) re-weights examples in the loss function while

There are two new notions of confidence in this package:

1. Confident **examples** -- examples we are confident are labeled correctly
We prune everything else. Comptuationally, this means keeping the examples
with high probability of belong to their provided label class.
2. Confident **errors** -- examples we are confident are labeled erroneously.
We prune these. Comptuationally, this means pruning the examples with
high probability of belong to a different class.

>>> from cleanlab.classification import LearningWithNoisyLabels
>>> from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression as LogReg
>>> rp = LearningWithNoisyLabels(clf=LogReg()) # Pass in any classifier.
>>>, y_may_have_label_errors)
>>> # Estimate the predictions as if you had trained without label errors.
>>> pred = rp.predict(X_test)

The easiest way to use any model (Tensorflow, caffe2, PyTorch, etc.)
with ``cleanlab`` is to wrap it in a class that inherits
the ``sklearn.base.BaseEstimator``:

.. code:: python

    from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
    class YourModel(BaseEstimator): # Inherits sklearn base classifier
        def __init__(self, ):
        def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight = None):
        def predict(self, X):
        def predict_proba(self, X):
        def score(self, X, y, sample_weight = None):


* `s` - denotes *noisy labels*. This is just dataset labels, maybe with errors.
* Class labels (K classes) must be formatted as natural numbers: 0, 1, .., K-1

from __future__ import (
    print_function, absolute_import, division, unicode_literals, with_statement)

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression as LogReg
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
import numpy as np
import inspect
import multiprocessing
from cleanlab.util import (
from cleanlab.latent_estimation import (
from cleanlab.latent_algebra import (
from cleanlab.pruning import get_noise_indices

[docs]class LearningWithNoisyLabels(BaseEstimator): # Inherits sklearn classifier """Automated learning with noisy labels using any model. Confident Learning is the state-of-the-art (Northcutt et al., 2021) for weak supervision, finding label errors in datasets, learning with noisy labels, uncertainty estimation, and more. It works with ANY classifier, including deep neural networks. See clf parameter. This subfield of machine learning is referred to as Confident Learning. Confident Learning also achieves state-of-the-art performance for binary classification with noisy labels and positive-unlabeled learning (PU learning) where a subset of positive examples is given and all other examples are unlabeled and assumed to be negative examples. Confident Learning works by "learning from confident examples." Confident examples are identified as examples with high predicted probability for their training label. Given any classifier having the predict_proba() method, an input feature matrix, X, and a discrete vector of labels, s, which may contain mislabeling, Confident Learning estimates the classifications that would be obtained if the hidden, true labels, y, had instead been provided to the classifier during training. "s" denotes the noisy label instead of \\tilde(y), for ASCII encoding reasons. Parameters ---------- clf : :obj:`sklearn.classifier` compliant class (e.g. skorch wraps around PyTorch) See cleanlab.models for examples of sklearn wrappers around, e.g. PyTorch. The clf object must have the following three functions defined: 1. clf.predict_proba(X) # Predicted probabilities 2. clf.predict(X) # Predict labels 3., y, sample_weight) # Train classifier Stores the classifier used inConfident Learning. Default classifier used is logistic regression. seed : :obj:`int`, default: None Set the default state of the random number generator used to split the cross-validated folds. If None, uses np.random current random state. cv_n_folds : :obj:`int` This class needs holdout predicted probabilities for every data example and if not provided, uses cross-validation to compute them. cv_n_folds sets the number of cross-validation folds used to compute out-of-sample probabilities for each example in X. prune_method : :obj:`str`, default: :obj:`prune_by_noise_rate` Available options: 'prune_by_class', 'prune_by_noise_rate', or 'both'. This str determines the method used for pruning. Note ---- 1. :obj:`prune_method=prune_by_noise_rate`: works by removing examples with *high probability* of being mislabeled for every non-diagonal in the ``prune_counts_matrix`` (see ````). 2. :obj:`prune_method=prune_by_class`: works by removing the examples with *smallest probability* of belonging to their given class label for every class. 3. :obj:`prune_method=both`: Finds the examples satisfying (1) AND (2) and removes their set conjunction. converge_latent_estimates : :obj:`bool` (Default: False) If true, forces numerical consistency of latent estimates. Each is estimated independently, but they are related mathematically with closed form equivalences. This will iteratively enforce consistency. pulearning : :obj:`int` (0 or 1, default: None) Only works for 2 class datasets. Set to the integer of the class that is perfectly labeled (certain no errors in that class). n_jobs : :obj:`int` (Windows users may see a speed-up with n_jobs = 1) Number of processing threads used by multiprocessing. Default None sets to the number of processing threads on your CPU. Set this to 1 to REMOVE parallel processing (if its causing issues).""" def __init__( self, clf=None, seed=None, # Hyper-parameters (used by .fit() function) cv_n_folds=5, prune_method='prune_by_noise_rate', converge_latent_estimates=False, pulearning=None, n_jobs=None, ): if clf is None: # Use logistic regression if no classifier is provided. clf = LogReg(multi_class='auto', solver='lbfgs') # Make sure the given classifier has the appropriate methods defined. if not hasattr(clf, "fit"): raise ValueError( 'The classifier (clf) must define a .fit() method.') if not hasattr(clf, "predict_proba"): raise ValueError( 'The classifier (clf) must define a .predict_proba() method.') if not hasattr(clf, "predict"): raise ValueError( 'The classifier (clf) must define a .predict() method.') if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed=seed) # Set-up number of multiprocessing threads used by get_noise_indices() if n_jobs is None: n_jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count() else: assert (n_jobs >= 1) self.clf = clf self.seed = seed self.cv_n_folds = cv_n_folds self.prune_method = prune_method self.converge_latent_estimates = converge_latent_estimates self.pulearning = pulearning self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.noise_mask = None self.sample_weight = None self.confident_joint = None = None = None self.K = None self.noise_matrix = None self.inverse_noise_matrix = None
[docs] def fit( self, X, s, psx=None, thresholds=None, noise_matrix=None, inverse_noise_matrix=None, ): """This method implements the confident learning. It counts examples that are likely labeled correctly and incorrectly and uses their ratio to create a predicted confusion matrix. This function fits the classifier (self.clf) to (X, s) accounting for the noise in both the positive and negative sets. Parameters ---------- X : :obj:`np.array` Input feature matrix (N, D), 2D numpy array s : :obj:`np.array` A binary vector of labels, s, which may contain mislabeling. psx : :obj:`np.array` (shape (N, K)) P(s=k|x) is a matrix with K (noisy) probabilities for each of the N examples x. This is the probability distribution over all K classes, for each example, regarding whether the example has label s==k P(s=k|x). psx should have been computed using 3 (or higher) fold cross-validation. If you are not sure, leave psx = None (default) and it will be computed for you using cross-validation. thresholds : :obj:`iterable` (list or np.array) of shape (K, 1) or (K,) P(s^=k|s=k). List of probabilities used to determine the cutoff predicted probability necessary to consider an example as a given class label. Default is ``None``. These are computed for you automatically. If an example has a predicted probability "greater" than this threshold, it is counted as having hidden label y = k. This is not used for pruning, only for estimating the noise rates using confident counts. Values in list should be between 0 and 1. noise_matrix : :obj:`np.array` of shape (K, K), K = number of classes A conditional probablity matrix of the form P(s=k_s|y=k_y) containing the fraction of examples in every class, labeled as every other class. Assumes columns of noise_matrix sum to 1. inverse_noise_matrix : :obj:`np.array` of shape (K, K), K = number of classes A conditional probablity matrix of the form P(y=k_y|s=k_s). Contains the estimated fraction observed examples in each class k_s, that are mislabeled examples from every other class k_y. If None, the inverse_noise_matrix will be computed from psx and s. Assumes columns of inverse_noise_matrix sum to 1. Returns ------- tuple (noise_mask, sample_weight)""" # Check inputs assert_inputs_are_valid(X, s, psx) if noise_matrix is not None and np.trace(noise_matrix) <= 1: t = np.round(np.trace(noise_matrix), 2) raise ValueError( "Trace(noise_matrix) is {}, but must exceed 1.".format(t)) if inverse_noise_matrix is not None and ( np.trace(inverse_noise_matrix) <= 1 ): t = np.round(np.trace(inverse_noise_matrix), 2) raise ValueError( "Trace(inverse_noise_matrix) is {}. Must exceed 1.".format(t)) # Number of classes self.K = len(np.unique(s)) # 'ps' is p(s=k) = value_counts(s) / float(len(s)) self.confident_joint = None # If needed, compute noise rates (mislabeling) for all classes. # Also, if needed, compute P(s=k|x), denoted psx. # Set / re-set noise matrices / psx; estimate if not provided. if noise_matrix is not None: self.noise_matrix = noise_matrix if inverse_noise_matrix is None:, self.inverse_noise_matrix = ( compute_py_inv_noise_matrix(, self.noise_matrix)) if inverse_noise_matrix is not None: self.inverse_noise_matrix = inverse_noise_matrix if noise_matrix is None: self.noise_matrix = compute_noise_matrix_from_inverse(, self.inverse_noise_matrix, ) if noise_matrix is None and inverse_noise_matrix is None: if psx is None:, self.noise_matrix, self.inverse_noise_matrix, \ self.confident_joint, psx = \ estimate_py_noise_matrices_and_cv_pred_proba( X=X, s=s, clf=self.clf, cv_n_folds=self.cv_n_folds, thresholds=thresholds, converge_latent_estimates=( self.converge_latent_estimates), seed=self.seed, ) else: # psx is provided by user (assumed holdout probabilities), self.noise_matrix, self.inverse_noise_matrix, \ self.confident_joint = \ estimate_py_and_noise_matrices_from_probabilities( s=s, psx=psx, thresholds=thresholds, converge_latent_estimates=( self.converge_latent_estimates), ) if psx is None: psx = estimate_cv_predicted_probabilities( X=X, labels=s, clf=self.clf, cv_n_folds=self.cv_n_folds, seed=self.seed, ) # if pulearning == the integer specifying the class without noise. if self.K == 2 and self.pulearning is not None: # pragma: no cover # pulearning = 1 (no error in 1 class) implies p(s=1|y=0) = 0 self.noise_matrix[self.pulearning][1 - self.pulearning] = 0 self.noise_matrix[1 - self.pulearning][1 - self.pulearning] = 1 # pulearning = 1 (no error in 1 class) implies p(y=0|s=1) = 0 self.inverse_noise_matrix[1 - self.pulearning][self.pulearning] = 0 self.inverse_noise_matrix[self.pulearning][self.pulearning] = 1 # pulearning = 1 (no error in 1 class) implies p(s=1,y=0) = 0 self.confident_joint[self.pulearning][1 - self.pulearning] = 0 self.confident_joint[1 - self.pulearning][1 - self.pulearning] = 1 # This is the actual work of this function. # Get the indices of the examples we wish to prune self.noise_mask = get_noise_indices( s, psx, inverse_noise_matrix=self.inverse_noise_matrix, confident_joint=self.confident_joint, prune_method=self.prune_method, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, ) x_mask = ~self.noise_mask x_pruned = X[x_mask] s_pruned = s[x_mask] # Check if sample_weight in Compatible with Python 2/3. if hasattr(inspect, 'getfullargspec') and \ 'sample_weight' in inspect.getfullargspec( \ or hasattr(inspect, 'getargspec') and \ 'sample_weight' in inspect.getargspec( # Re-weight examples in the loss function for the final fitting # s.t. the "apparent" original number of examples in each class # is preserved, even though the pruned sets may differ. self.sample_weight = np.ones(np.shape(s_pruned)) for k in range(self.K): sample_weight_k = 1.0 / self.noise_matrix[k][k] self.sample_weight[s_pruned == k] = sample_weight_k, s_pruned, sample_weight=self.sample_weight) else: # This is less accurate, but best we can do if no sample_weight., s_pruned) return self.clf
[docs] def predict(self, *args, **kwargs): """Returns a binary vector of predictions. Parameters ---------- X : :obj:`np.array` of shape (n, m) The test data as a feature matrix.""" return self.clf.predict(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def predict_proba(self, *args, **kwargs): """Returns a vector of probabilties P(y=k) for each example in X. Parameters ---------- X : :obj:`np.array` of shape (n, m) The test data as a feature matrix.""" return self.clf.predict_proba(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def score(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """Returns the clf's score on a test set X with labels y. Uses the models default scoring function. Parameters ---------- X : :obj:`np.array` of shape (n, m) The test data as a feature matrix. y : :obj:`np.array<int>` of shape (n,) or (n, 1) The test classification labels as an array. sample_weight : :obj:`np.array<float>` of shape (n,) or (n, 1) Weights each example when computing the score / accuracy.""" if hasattr(self.clf, 'score'): # Check if sample_weight in clf.score(). Compatible with Python 2/3. if hasattr(inspect, 'getfullargspec') and 'sample_weight' in \ inspect.getfullargspec(self.clf.score).args or \ hasattr(inspect, 'getargspec') and \ 'sample_weight' in inspect.getargspec(self.clf.score).args: return self.clf.score(X, y, sample_weight=sample_weight) else: return self.clf.score(X, y) else: return accuracy_score( y, self.clf.predict(X), sample_weight=sample_weight, )